Chapter 5- Getting Places [pt. 1]

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First of all, thank you to everyone who has read this. Second, I thought this would be an awesome chapter to make into a 2-3 part chapter. I have tons of awesome ideas, cliffhangers and little details that you may or may not see coming :). Also, Garroth's form is his Jury of Nine form (season 1 episode 100) and Laurance's form is his shadow night form (season 2 werewolf marriage episode). Stay tuned, Riri :P


I sleep as well as ever since my amazing dream. I wake up from a nightmare of Zane killing Aphmau, and me not being there as her guard. Every guard before their Lord I remember from my days back in guard school. I briefly remember talking to Laurance, but not as much as now, since we see each other everyday.

I wake up, only to see it dark-ish, but not pitch-black-midnight-black. I decide to get into my armor and get ready for the days ahead. 

I finish getting dressed just as Laurance wakes up, except for he was up the whole time, with his one eye open thing. To be honest, it is a little creepy.

"Hey" I say, looking in his general direction.

"Uh- hey?" hey says, as if not fully awake. "Is Aphmau up?"

"Not yet" I say, looking into her tent with her breathing fine in her lilac sleeping bag. Wow, she is so cute slee- never mind...

"We should go wake her up" Laurance suggests. "Its about time for breakfast." 

"Okay. You get changed. I'll get Aphmau."

I walk from our tent to her tiny one, looking at her pink nightshirt and blue and pink striped pajama pants, all snuggled into a little taco thing. Why do I have the urge to kiss her, right here right now?

"Uh-UM-ladyAphmauwakeup." I say really quickly as I run back to Laurance and I's tent.

"Wha-" I here her say in the distance of sounds in the forest. 

We all get situated, I stay in my tent, picking Laurance and I's stuff up to leave. Laurance assists Aphmau with clean her stuff up as she gets dressed in the blanket of trees in the distance. 

Once I finish folding up the tent, I smell the newly familiar smell that registers as breakfast. I head over to the fire where Aphmau and Laurance sitting around, roasting some sausages, eggs and bacon for us all to eat. 

"Uh, Hey Laurance. Good morning Lady Aphmau." I say, heading over to the opposite side of them.

"Hey Garroth!" says Aphmau.

"Where have you been?" says Laurance.

"Oh. I was just putting up our tent. Your stuff is packed up by the way." I say, grabbing some eggs.

"Thank you so much Garroth. I don't know how to thank you!!" says Aphmau. "I may just have to kiss you. hehe."

"What?!?!" I say, jumping back, my cheeks turning my signature red, as always.

"What?" says Aphmau. "I just asked if you wanted some bacon. You acted so... surprised." Thank Irene, if she said that I would have gone nuts.

"OH! UH-SU-SH-SURE" I say, grabbing some bacon as quickly as possible. "TH-THANK YOU LADY APHMAU"

"Are you okay?" says Laurance. "Do you want to come with me to get some fresh air with me?" He says, winking. Dang it, I think he wants to talk.

"I guess..." I whisper. This isn't going to be fun...

I nod as we walk through the road to the river, as I think about the chicken shaman living not too far down from it. And where Cadenza was kidnapped. I don't want to think about that at a time like this...

We stay silent and alert, I watch for any trouble, he listens like a hawk.

We reach the river as we find a flat place of grass to sit. 

"So" he says.

"So" I say back.

"Please, tell her." he says. I freeze at what he says. What is wrong with him

"Why would you say such a thing?" I say as calmly as possible, though he can tell I am pissed. WHY would you give your girlfriend away? Did they break up? Why am I drawing conclusions?

"Why not? She knows I love her and will not let anyone hurt her. Why can't you do the same?" says Laurance, glancing into the distance.

"WHY NOT?" I say, yelling now. My body turns big my voice changes and I feel as mad as ever. What is happening to me? "WHY NOT? YOU ARE DATING HER I SAW YOUR DILEMMA IN THE WOODS. I HAVE BEEN SICK BECAUSE MY HEART IS BROKEN!! I WANT YOU TO BE HAPPY WITHOUT ME." I want you to be happy... My body turns normal again and just as I say that Laurance whispers in my ear. 

"We will talk about it later, but we NEED to run. Now. Get Aphmau." He says, standing and looking into the distance. 

I look in that direction and cannot believe what I see.

An O'khasian royal ship, turning the bend right before the turn where we are. Oh no... not now...


"Are you sure?" I say, running away from him already.

"Yes. Go." He says, drawing his bright green sword. Now than never... Now than never... I say in my head, running toward the base.

"LADY APHMAU. WE NEED TO LEAVE NOW." I yell at her innocent body in front of the blazing fire.

"Y-Yess... but WHERE IS LAURANCE???" She yells, packing our of her things into her backpack as I grab the important items for Laurance and I into my backpack. *BANG*. A sound I know too well. A cannonball from the ship. Dang it.

"NO TIME. COME ON" I say, running toward where Laurance and I were. There is a weird figure and I figure out it is Laurance. Why is he in this form I was in...

The cannonball lays only a few feet away from Laurance. Wow, how did he dodge that?

"APHMAU! GARROTH!" He yells, in the deep voice I had. "GARROTH. NOW." I try hard to turn, but simply cannot. I think about everything recently and it feels that since I let it out, my jealousy is gone. No, no Irene. This isn't the time.

"I CAN'T" I yell back. *BANG* *BANG* two more, one miss shot into the woods, the other a few feet away from Aphmau. NO, NO, NO!

The jealousy is turned into comfort and protection, and I get into the past form I had on minutes before.

"APHMAU GET BEHIND US" Laurance tells the clearly frightened but ready-to-fight Aphmau. 


We prepare for this mini battle, that will go well or horribly wrong. I draw my sword just as I see a horrible sight. 

My father and Zane, standing at the bow of the ship, glancing in our direction.

This will go horribly, horribly wrong.

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