Chapter 31- Thinking Out Loud

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Garroth's POV
Aphmau trudges into the room like a heap of noodles or jello. She plops onto one of the kitchen chairs and immediately looks as if she is about to fall asleep.

I ignore her for now as I can tell she has had a very long day. I finish up the last waffle and place two on each plate. I cover one with blueberries and syrup and the other with chocolate chips and a small scoop of ice cream.

I tap Aphmau on the shoulder and present her with her chocolate chip and ice cream waffles.

"Thank you." She replays with a bright smile. "I'm starved."

"Well yeah. That's why I made them." I retort. She smirks and digs in while I cut my waffles, placing a blueberry inside each square.

"Mmmmm." Aphmau grunts with her mouth full. "THES AR AMAZI!"

I laugh at her full mouth, oozing with ice cream and waffle chunks. "Wait till your done chewing, my queen! You look like a cat with rabies!"

"Oh." She finishes. "Sorry."

"It's no problem but I can see you like them. A lot." I say, staring at her half empty plate and my two full waffles.

"Yes. They are very delicious." She says as she walks over and kisses me on the cheek.

"Hmmm." Aphmau thinks aloud. "Wouldn't you look better with a little ice cream on your face?"

"Uh. Um. N-N-No Th-Thanks..." I stutter as she grabs a forkful of ice cream. She begins to approach me as I dart for the whipped cream. I uncap it and point it straight toward Aphmau.

"You would dare...." Aphmau says in a half evil half playful voice. I quickly squirt a tiny bit onto her nose. This means war.

She charges towards me, fork in hand. I remember our training and miss her "attack". She ends up leaning on the wall as I come up behind her and put some whipped cream onto her hair. I try to make it look fancy so she catches me by surprise and flings the ice cream at my face.

It lands on my forehead, a mass of ice cream and chocolate chips. She also finds the maple syrup and switched out her tools. She knows me. Too well.

I. Hate. Anything. Sticky.

I run out the door in my casual attire and down to the docks. She, of course, follows closely behind me. I ready my whipped cream bottle only to find it 1/4 of the way full. Crap.

I make the most of my limited tools. She eventually catches up only to find herself step into my whipped cream trap. Her bare feet detach from the whipped cream to reveal a now creamy foot. Her expression changes as she, somehow, changes into her Irene form. Why me......

She flies into the air as I take cover up nearby. I see from where she is flying that she is uncapping the syrup from over my head. I close my eyes imaging the best thing in the world. Rainbow. Curry.

I feel it trickle from where she is hovering above me. It drops down my face as I attempt to lick it off, avoiding contact with the hair as it would make it even worse.

She slowly drifts down, her wings disappearing in thin air. She giggles and takes a finger full and stuffs it into her mouth. I roll my eyes and surrender in our "war".

We go back inside and wash our syrup, whipped cream and ice cream off our bodies, laughing at our silly argument. We decide to change into pajamas to become more comfortable when Aphmau claims to get the sudden urge to look up at the stars.

Of course, I oblige but mainly because I just don't want another waffle war. We walk into the rusted, gated play area where Malachi and Levin used to play just a year ago. We lean against the tree together, looking through the leaves to the stars and sky above. We sit in silence, watching.

"Gar?" Aphmau whispers.

"Hm?" I groan but in a cheerful way.

"Do you think O'khasis will come here or find Levin and everyone? Or rebuild the amulet?" She asks. I become shocked at the sudden change of topic but slowly calm down.

"I- Uh- Don't know, Aph. We will just have to see what happens. If they do we will have to keep our defenses up, have an escape pla---" I respond until Aphmau cuts me off.

"Oh IRENE! We are HORRIBLE leaders....." She grunts, rapidly jogging back into the house.

"WAIT!" I yell after her. She slows her pace as I pick up to where she is.

"We were SUPPOSED to meet at the enclosed village half an hour ago... They are probably wondering where we are unless they saw me pouring the syrup from where I was flying. UHHHH......" She responds as I pick up what she just said. We try to get dressed quickly but it ends up taking half an hour for us both to get ready.

We walk down to the little entrance to see Dante. "Oh. Your alive." He retorts. I roll my eyes and give him a playful nudge.

"Heh... Yeah.... Sorry!" Aphmau says as we walk pass. I see Laurance and Katelyn getting wood and Nicole and Fawn re-in forcing the wall.

"Hey guys!" Fawn says from where she is laying cobblestone. "If you guys could help get materials for the walk and boat with them, that would be great!"

"Hey! I was going to say that!" Nicole says to Fawn, her face showing pure anger and hatred.

"Nicole..... Why are you so mad at her?" Aphmau says, starting to cut down a nearby tree.

"Hmph! No particular reason....."

"It's true Nicole!" Fawn says from the opposite side of Nicole. "You have been treating me weird... Is it because of that mine battle?"

"Mine Fight. And mayyybbeeeee...." She trails off. I ignore their bickering and help Aphmau with the tree. We create an assembly line; I cut, Aphmau passes, Katelyn makes planks and Laurance stacks.

We finish cutting down trees scattering the area until we have over 200 planks made. By this time, we are all super lethargic and decide to rest for the rest of the night and repeat tomorrow.

Aphmau and I leave the group and walk up the hill. Aphmau keeps dozing off onto my chest but I personally do not mind. It's kind of cute.

We make our way to the bed where she cuddles up into an oval in her clothes. I change her without provoking her, careful not to move her lingerie. I put her in an oversized tee shirt and call it quits.

I change in silence as I watch her chest rise and fall with her breaths. I smile and join her in the cozy bed. My eyes become heavy and my body warms up, starting from my legs to my hands. The purple sheets change to black as my day is done.

A/N- I am so so sorry for not updating!!!! First of all, this is by far one of my worst chapters and I am truly sorry. Second, I just have been busy and too lazy to update. But, there is a plus side! RandomnessIsMyName asked me to join a new group called The_Phoenix_Alliance !!! Please join the collab group and everyone who has joined so far and stay tuned for books, livestreams, Q&A's and much more! With lots of love!!

-Riri :)

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