Day 98

49 13 1

'"Though the mountain be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed," says the Lord, who has compassion on you.'

Isaiah 54:10

Let's get back to basics. God loves you. He loves me. He loves you! And this verse tells us that nothing can shake his love for you. Nothing can take him away. Nothing can stop him from caring for you. Nothing at all. He will never fail you. He will never abandon you. He is amazing. He makes all things work together so that you can live happily and in the wonderful knowledge that he is real and he loves you. You hear that? He loves you!

And what's more, God doesn't just love Christians. He loves everyone. He loves every single person in the entire world - that's like, a lot! And believe me, he will never stop loving anyone. He will love you until the end of the end, until there is no Earth left, until it is just his glorious kingdom left. Every time he looks at you, he loves you. His love never runs out. Like a mother loves her baby, God loves you. I could not describe His love for you, because it is more than you could ever imagine. It is like the biggest balloon in the entire universe, swelling up every time he sees you. This balloon is not gonna pop. It's not gonna deflate. It's gonna be there forever.

I know a lot of teenagers struggle with things like depression, and that is why it is important to remember this. You are the child of a King who loves you. He holds you in his arms like a baby. If you feel depressed, or doubtful, run into his open arms. Cuddle up to God. Let him embrace you. He adores you. You are his beautiful daughter, his wonderful princess. You are brave. You are clever. Don't let what other people say get you down. God knows your heart, and he knows you. He knows that you are absolutely amazing. He loves you.


Dear Lord,

Thank you. For everything.


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