Day 132

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'For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.'

Psalm 139:13-14

I'm not sure, I think I might have done this verse on a previous day of the devotional, but hey, I have an awful memory, so we're just gonna go on with today anyway. You probably know that passage in the bible which says: 'love your neighbour as yourself'. But someone pointed out to me the other day the fact that you can't love your neighbour as yourself if you don't love yourself! So today I'm gonna tell you why you should love yourself, and I don't even know you, but it's still true.

You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are! God created you. He loves you! You are made exactly how God wanted you to be. He didn't just think of a load of random personality traits and made you! He put thought into it, he knew the plan he had for you, and he used that plan to make you. Everything you are is a creation of God's. You are special. There is no-one like you! You are the one and only you in the universe. Isn't that crazy? God chose you, he made you, to be unique, not to be like anyone else. And for that reason you should love yourself.

Plus, you are made in God's image. You are actually made to be a bit like God. You are made to be like the creator, the king of all the universe! And if you think you're ugly, if you think you're stupid, if you think you're cowardly, that's crazy! You are made to be like God, and God is the most beautiful, the most wise, the bravest person in the whole of creation. And he loves you. So whatever you think about yourself is rubbish. You are amazing. You are loved by a King who rules everything. You are beautiful. I know this because you are God's creation, and nothing God creates isn't beautiful. You are you.


Dear Lord,

Thank you that you made me. Thank you that I am unique. Thank you that you love me. Please Lord, help me to know that I am beautiful. Help me to know that I am wonderful. Please give me the self-esteem and self-worth I need so that I can love my neighbours. I love you Lord.


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