Day 190

39 10 1

'Naaman's servants went to him and said, "My father, if the prophet had told you to do some great thing, would you not have done it? How much more, then, when he tells you, 'Wash and be cleansed'!" So he went down and dipped himself in the Jordan seven times, as the man of God had told him, and his flesh was restored and became clean like that of a young boy. Then Naaman and all his attendants went back to the man of God. He stood before him and said, "Now I know that there is no God in all the world except in Israel. So please accept a gift from your servant."'

2 Kings 5:13

We often hear of loads of miracles that have happened in other people's lives, and how God has worked through them in all kinds of ways. There are so many stories in the bible which show the amazing things Jesus does while on this Earth, like raise Lazarus from the dead, and when Jesus had gone, the Holy Spirit worked through his followers doing all kinds of wonderful things. But often we think to ourselves, 'yeah, Jesus can do miracles, but not really in my life - I'm not that kind of person - I don't have that strong a faith - I do all the wrong things.'

But you know what we've got to do? Instead of doubting ourselves, instead of doubting God, we have got to put our trust in Him. I chose this bible passage because it shows how sometimes we have got to take that step out and go and do what God wants us to do. Sometimes we have got to just trust that God can, and he will. Not just for the church leaders and old people who have a really strong faith. For you.

And that might mean praying for healing, or for a friend. Don't doubt God's power. I once lost my phone and had a huge panic attack, but my friend stayed calm and trusted that God would be in control. She phoned it up and one of the few girls who walked home my way had picked it up 15 minutes away from where we were. That's God. And when my friend lost her phone earlier today, in fact, I did as my other friend had done, and trusted that God would be in control - and we found it! Kind of rubbish examples, I know, but it's been in my head seeing as it happened today. But don't fear disappointment or embarrassment. Keep on praying. I can't tell good stories unless I tell the bad, and once I prayed for a friend's back to heal and nothing happened - but that shouldn't put anyone off. God is working in ways we can't possibly imagine.


Dear Lord,

Thank you that you are almighty and a healer. Thank you that you can do anything. Lord, please help me to put my trust in you. Help me to know that you can do miracles in my life. Please give me the strength not to fear disappointment but to keep on going.



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