Day 49

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'But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.'

John 1:12

I'm sure I've already done a devotional about this, but still, I think it is just a wonderful subject to write about. We are children of God. If we just believe in Him, we get to be children of the most wonderful, powerful, glorious King there is. When we have God in our life, it's better than being any Disney Princess. We are daughters of the true King, the all-powerful ruler of everything (hey, that rhymes - hope it doesn't sound too cheesy!!).

And God is the most amazing father anyone could have. Sometimes, as you get older, you start to feel more like an adult - you worry about stuff, and feel a lot more pressure to do the right thing. But when you are in God's presence, you can forget all that. In God's eyes, you are a child - his child. And like a dad would do to his daughter, God protects you from harm, and from fear, and he help you get through the tough times. I know that when I don't know what to do, I can always turn to my Dad for advice, just like how we, as children of God, can always turn to Jesus for advice. Yes, maybe he won't tell you what you want to hear, but he knows everything, and so his advice is best.

And, like a Father, God will tell you off if you do the wrong thing. But he still loves you! He will always love you - how could he not? You are his creation! He made you! He knew you before you were even in your mum's womb! He has always had plans for you, since the day he decided to make you. He is your father. Never forget that. He will always be there for you.


Dear Lord,

Thank you for always being there for me. Thank your for being my daddy. I love you. Thank you for having a plan for me. Please help me to remember that you are my Father, and that I am a Princess of God.


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