Day 197

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'Such confidence we have through Christ before God. Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God. '

2 Corinthians 3:4-5

Today I wanna talk about confidence. Confidence is a pretty important thing in life. Without confidence, we would never have the ability to even leave the house and talk to someone. No-one would ever be where they are now without confidence. The dictionary says confidence is: the feeling or belief that one can have faith in or rely on someone or something. But what does confidence mean in a life with Jesus?

We need to have confidence in God to love and trust him. Maybe you don't have that much confidence in Him at the moment, and that's ok, because with prayer and time you will grow in confidence. But there are times when we just need to have faith in Jesus completely and trust him with everything, even our lives. That's hard when we can't see him, however He is always right and good and he will never do anything to harm us, so if we trust in Him, even if we can't see his face, we can achieve the impossible.

Our confidence comes from God. If we have confidence in God, we can trust that he will fill us with even more confidence to do his will. What can this confidence do? With the confidence that comes from God, we can move mountains. If we trust that there is nothing that God can't do, we can step out and share his love and glory with everyone. If you're naturally shy, don't worry - I'm not saying that you can't do what God says. God has an individual plan for everyone, and he looks at every part of us. With the confidence that he gives us, he can help us to change lives, to do great things and share the ultimate, unfailing, eternal love that is God.


Dear Lord,

Thank you that you give me confidence. Thank you that through you I can move mountains. Please help me to trust you, God, even when I think something's impossible. Give me courage and confidence to know that you are God, and you never fail.


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