Day 101

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'Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.'

Deuteronomy 31:6

Does anyone reading this have a phobia? If you do, tell me what it is in the comments below. I have a phobia of veins & arteries and bees & wasps (literally, I run into another room when I see one). People get scared of lots of different kinds of things. As you go on in life, you will find that there are many things which get scary, like big decisions and telling other people about God. You might find the awkward questions people ask scary. You might worry that no-one will like you if you say you are Christian. You might be afraid of the devil, of death, of going to Hell.

But this verse tells us that we do not have to be afraid. God will give us courage. He will protect us. God never leaves us. He never leaves anyone! He is always there, even when you don't know it. He is there when you are having good times. He is there when you are having bad times. He is there when you go to sleep. God has always told us not to fear. Mary was scared when she found out she was pregnant with Jesus. In fact, she wasn't just scared. She was terrified. It would have been like getting pregnant when you were 13. There would be a lot of questions asked. But Mary trusted God. He gave her courage, and all the way through He protected her. And he will do that for you, too.

So if you are afraid of something, don't hide it. Tell God. He understands. He will give you the gift of courage, so that you can be brave and know that the Lord your God is with you. God is your protector. Be strong when you go out into the world. Don't back away from things. Tell people about your faith. God is always there for you. He has got your back. He is holding you in His arms all the time. Courage isn't about jumping of cliffs or rollercoasters. Courage is getting out of your comfort zone. Courage is not being afraid because you have put your faith in God. Courage is the strength God has given you.


Dear Lord,

Thank you for courage. Thank you that you are my protector, and you will always look after me. Thank you that you love me. Please help me to be brave in the situations I face every day. help me to step out of my comfort zone and not to fear.


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