Day 51

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'Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you by the gazelles and by the does of the field: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.'

Song of Solomon 3:5

OK, before I write anything, I would like to say that I did not choose this verse. God did. And so for some reason, he really wants me to talk about it here, even though I have no idea what to say. If you like romance novels, then you should read Song of Solomon. Basically, it's an entire book chock full of love stuff - mostly about a bride or a bridegroom. Personally, I hate all that romantic stuff, but if you do like it, this quite short bible book is for you.

Anyway, back to the bible verse. I don't know if any of you are in a relationship, or if you at least have a crush on someone, but today I think God wants me to tell you this. Don't go looking for love. God probably has a special love plan for you, and that will find you, not you find it. Basically, what I mean is, don't try and make someone love you, but wait for God to make them come to you instead. If they don't love you, then God doesn't want them to, for reasons that will help you have a better life, not just to be mean. Because God knows what would happen if you date someone, and he will always help you make the right decisions.

But I'm not saying don't have a relationship with someone. If you have asked God, and you know that it's alright with him, then it's fine. Personally, I would recommend only dating other Christians, because then the relationship won't get in the way of you and God, but if God has different plans, follow them. Never date someone who doesn't respect you, and don't do anything illegal.  Always remember that the one who loves you most is God, and you should put him first in every decision that you make and everything you do.


Dear Lord,

Thank you that people can have relationships with one another. Thank you that, when the time comes, people can be bonded in the name of God. Please help me to always follow your plans and always do what's right. Help me to know when the time is right for me to have a proper romantic relationship with somebody. Help me to put you first.


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