Day 174

36 6 1

'Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.'

Matthew 28:19

OK so recently I have read and heard about the Trinity a lot, and I feel like God wants me to share what I have understood in today's devotional. The thing is, I'm not clever, or especially knowledgeable about Jesus' word. I'm just doing what I feel that God has called me to do in this moment in time. I get stuff wrong, like all people, and if you feel God has told you something different, don't always rely on what I say. But I am pretty certain that what I have to say about the Trinity is right, and so I want you all to know.

The Trinity. It's literally the biggest and most confusing thing in Christianity. Three different forms, Jesus, God and the Spirit, all one. Wha-at? A lot of people, non-Christian and Christian, don't get this. I didn't really until it got explained to me. I think the first thing to understand is that all 3 things have always been and always will be. Jesus didn't just come in 0 AD, and the Holy Spirit wasn't only there after Jesus. John 1:1 says: 'In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.' Basically, John introduced Jesus by calling him the Word. That means Jesus was always there, from the beginning of all time through eternity. And the Spirit was there at the beginning too: 'the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.' (Genesis 1:2)

A way of describing the Trinity would be as a cookie (because cookies are amazing). There are three main ingredients in a cookie: Butter, caster sugar and plain flour. All three are very different, but they are one cookie. A cookie without the butter would literally fall apart. A cookie without the flour would be a dollop of just butter and sugar, which is pretty much fat. A cookie without the sugar would taste flavourless. Just like how a cookie doesn't exist without all the ingredients, the complete Godhead is all three members of the Trinity. You can't just believe in the flour. God is all three: the Father, the Spirit and the Son.


Dear Lord,

Thank you that you are amazing, and unpredictable, and incredible. Thank you that you are three different forms, which all help me in different ways. Thank you that you are one. please help me to understand your Trinity. Help me to have a relationship with all three, making the one Godhead.


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