Chapter 15

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Sorry it took me so long to update. I'm just really clumsy and while I was working on this chapter it got deleted. Don't even ask me how it got deleted, like I have no clue. It was saved and everything and when I clicked refresh it was gone. Ughhh, Sorry again. I started this chapter from scratch. Now go ahead and read the chapter you wonderful people of Wattpad.

Anna's POV

I woke up with a massive headache. I groaned and tried to sit up.

"Woah" I said as I clutched my head.

I leaned back on the backboard of my bed. My head is spinning. Did I hit my head that hard? I groaned once again and I focused on a figure that was in the corner of my room.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

He moved out of the corner of my room. He had his arms crossed over his chest and he neared my bed. What is he doing here?

"Well you hit your head pretty hard" He said.

"No shit Sherlock" I winced at my pounding head.

"There is some Advil on the counter" He said.

I gave him a weird look. Why is he being kind? I looked over at my nightstand and I saw the Advil with a glass of water. I positioned the Advil on the table and I grabbed the lamp and smashed the Advil until it was in a bunch of little pieces. I slid the pieces of Advil into my hand and I put my hand to my mouth. I grabbed the glass of water and gulped it all down.

If you're wondering why I did that to the Advil, well.. it's because I can't really swallow pills. I'm not joking I seriously can't.

"Thanks" I muttered.

"Soo..." He started.

"We have to go on a 'date' later today because Steve don't said we have to go 'public'" Zayn told me putting emphasis on the word date and public.

"Are you serious? Do we really have to do this?" I whined.

"Well yes since you decided to be idiotic and not read your contract" He spat coldly.

He was right in a way. If I just read my stupid contract this wouldn't be happening to me. But there were so many words in the contract and it was just...ehhh.

"We are leaving in two hours" He walked out of my room slamming my door.

I flinched at how loud the door slammed. Never mind about thinking he was actually being kind. He is still the same old Zayn. Why did I have to go on a 'date' with Zayn? Why can't aliens abduct me and take me to their home planet for the night so I don't have to go to that stupid date?

Harry's POV

Why can't I be Zayn right now? He's dating Anna and she's so incredibly  perfect. He should be greatful. Nope but instead he hates her and couldn't give a crap about dating her.

"Zayn" I called out to him.

I walked over to the kitchen to where he was standing. He opened the fridge and grabbed a carton of orange juice.

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