33. This is my song!

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// Rydel POV //

"Hahaha try this one," Savannah laughed. I switched over the filter on my phone and we started laughing crazily again.

"Look at my face," Cleo said trying to keep a straight face.

We were sat on the couch, with me in the middle, going through the crazy snapchat filters. I put the 'I Love You' filter on and the three of us took a selfie. I crossed out the 'I' and wrote 'we'. Then I posted it to snapchat. Cleo grabbed her phone and went on her snapchat. She viewed my story and started laughing hysterically again.

"What're you guys laughing at?" Riker asked, walking into the room and flopping on the couch next to Vanni.

"Look at this," I said. I passed my phone to her who then showed Riker.

"You guys are mental," he said, ruffling my hair.

Rocky, Ross, Ellington and Ryland walked in, closely followed by dad.

"Hey dad."

"Hi Del." He sat down on the arm of the chair. "So we are leaving tonight instead of tomorrow to get to the next venue."

"What?" Ross said. "Why can't we just go tomorrow."

"Something to do with the roads. Sorry son."

He sighed and sat back, playing with his hair.

"When are we next performing then?" Cleo asked.

"Tomorrow night."

"That should be fine," Riker said.

"Yeah," Rocky agreed.

// Cleo POV //

I got up to go and get myself ready and Ross followed me to his room.

"Are you stalking me?" I asked jokingly.

"Your the one in my room," he replied, shrugging.

"Have you got a CD player in here?"

"Um yeah sure," he said, pointing to it.

I went to my bag and grabbed a CD which I then put in the player. I skipped to track 18 and turned the volume up.

As soon as the first few beats played, Ross realised what it was.

"Your seriously gonna play the CD that the people who live here created?" He laughed.

"Why not?" I replied. "Besides, I love this song."

I started dancing around the messy room.

"I got nine lives here in this wasteland, don't care, I'll drive this car into the ground."

He joined in.

"Don't need nobody to save me, give up, you know I'm never slowing down," we sang along to the track. We harmonised somewhat perfectly. "Free fall, I wanna feel it all. I got nine lives, not gonna waste it, don't care, I'll drive this car into the ground."

The song ended and Rydel's second song on the latest album, Never Be The Same, came on. Within seconds the door flew open and she stood there singing at the top of her voice.

"This is my song!" She yelled.

"I know!" I yelled back. "You're tryin' for more but dancing in the friend zone, baby I'm bored this game is so Nintendo."

"Hey Ross? Can I come in?" She shouted.

He nodded his reply before grabbing his notebook and leaving the room.

"Why did you have to ask?" I said.

"Because my little brother has a strict no girls rule," she winked at me. "Looks like your an exception."

I blushed and turned the volume up to max. We danced and sang to the deafening music. As the song ended, we collapsed onto Ross' beanbags.

"Ross, I'm gonna tell you one more time, turn off that racket!" Stormie yelled up the stairs.

"Hey!" Rydel called back.

"Sorry Delly, it's amazing."

"Don't worry mum, it was us playing it anyway."

Ross walked back in.

"You done yet? Can I have my bedroom back yet?"

"Yeah yeah," Rydel said walking out.

I looked at the clock and saw it was 11am.

"I'm gonna get changed."


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