4. Rosssss

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// Cleo POV //

I can't believe I am actually doing this. I'm stood in Gatwick airport waiting for R5 to land in London. This is the first leg of their European Tour and since I live in Brighton, I didn't have to fly to start off with. I am sat on top of one of my three suitcases (hey, a girl's gotta be prepared) literally dreading what's to come.

// Ryland POV //

We were all sat on the plane, nearly at London when I realised that I hadn't even told the band who their new support act was.

"Hey guys," 8 heads turned to look my way. "So I kinda forgot to tell you but we have a new support act."

"Ah cool. Who is it?" Asked Ross.

"Is it a girl?" Rydel asked.

Rocky said, "is she.." Riker nudged him, "or he, urm, funny?"

"Hah, I'm not gonna tell you," I replied just because I knew it would annoy them. And because I knew Ross HATED her.

// Cleo POV //

After about 10 minutes of waiting, the loudspeaker said that their plane had landed. They were the first ones out. In single file order; Stormie, Mark, Ryland, Rocky, Ellington, Rydel, Savannah, Riker and lastly, Ross.

He saw me and gave me a dirty look then turned away. He obviously didn't know that I was his new tour mate.

"Okay guys. She's over there waiting, " Ryland said, staring at Rocky.

"What HER?!" Ross yelled.

"I'm not happy about this either you know," I replied.

Ross came over and said with a sickly sweet voice, "Wow wow wow. How on earth did you get to this point? I mean, you can't even sing a line without scaring everyone away."

"Oh everyone look. Little Rossy's talking about himself again. Shall I buy you another mirror as well?" I replied with that same tone of voice.

"Come on guys, we know you don't like each other but can we please just get along. We need to make this work," Rydel said.

"Yeah, it's not like she's going anywhere. She won't be able to carry all that junk by herself."


So how you enjoying the story so far? Ok don't know why I'm saying this cos I've had no reads so far :( Anyways if you have read this I hope you enjoyed.

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