2. T.R.E.C

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// Cleo POV //

My phone buzzed in my hand, waking me up from where I fell asleep. 'Meet me at the T.R.E.C at 5pm Ella xx'. I tapped out a quick reply and then got comfy again. 

The T.R.E.C is a secret hangout where Ella and I sometimes go. It was originally a treehouse that our dad made for us when we were little. Sadly, he died from unknown medical causes when we were about 9 and 14. His death affected me particularly; I was really close to him and, at such a young age, it was hard to comprehend. The treehouse had been unused for a few years, but after he was gone we decided to make it our hangout. Thanks to dad's carpentry skills, he had taught me how to build things like him. I made a few modifications, we added some cosy cushions and a heater and it was ready. Ever since we have called the T.R.E.C standing for Trevor (our dad), Rena (our mum), Ella (my sister), and Cleo (me).

Before I knew it, I was asleep again, small breaths escaping my mouth as I dreamt about my childhood.

// Ella POV //

I'd gotten to T.R.E.C a bit later than the time I said and expected to see Cleo there waiting, but she wasn't there. I fired her a quick text and waited for the normally instant reply. Nothing. Starting to worry, I sent her another text and called her as well. Say I'm overreacting, but she ALWAYS answers her phone. And she's never late for anything.

// Cleo POV //

I was awoken with a bang. Jumping off my bed, I went downstairs to investigate. In the kitchen, I saw a pile of shattered glass and in the middle of it mum's clock. After scolding our cat, Munchkin, I picked up the clock. It still worked, it was just the glass that broke. Inspecting it for any bits of broken glass, I realised the time 5:37pm. I was late to meet Ella. Deciding I could clean up later, I picked up Munchkin and put her in the hall so she didn't step on the glass. I slipped on my trainers and walked to the bottom of the garden where T.R.E.C was.

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