Chapter 35 - Back to normal?

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"So where are we going this time?"

"Um, anywhere you want."

"Surprise me then." I smiled and kissed Dan on the cheek to get dressed.

We were back in Manchester. Things have calmed down quiet a bit. Most days Dan, Phil and I would either be making or planning videos. Others were filled with friends and family fun. The last few times we spend together we'd either stay home on the internet, play video games or go on dates.

Today was on of those day's me and Dan went on a date.

Eh, might as well go casual...

I thought to myself looking through my clothes.

I picked out a gray crop top with a picture of Madana on it. It was black and gray with pink, blue and orange shapes behind her. I slipped on a pair of bleahed and slightly ripped jean shorts. I slipped on my black Toms(shoes/slipper things) they had a little colorful tribal pattern on the side so it matched the colors of the shapes on the shirt.

I washed my hair and decided to go with the 'hobbit hair' look as Dan would say. I put on some simple natural looking makeup and then went downstairs.

"Hey whats up person?" I said skipping down the stairs to see Bonney on the couch.

"Hiya there, I'm just waiting for Phil."

"Oh another date right?" I said sitting down on the couch besides her/

"kinda...I'm going to have dinner with him and his parents."

"Omg big step there."

"I know! I'm so nervous!"

"Just text me before and after I'm sure you'll survive."

"Gee thanks."

"Okay I gotta go meet Dan at his place. Good luck." I patted her on the back and walked out the door.

I saw Phil in the hallway. "Hey better go save her in there she's sweating bullets."

"Oh god. Ha ha thanks." He started running towards the room.

"And good luck with dinner." I shouted to Phil already down the hall.

"Thanks again!"  He shoutted back then I heard the apartment door shut.

 I knocked on the door to Dan and Phil's aprtment.

"Hello there beautiful" He winked at me and pulled me into the apartment.

I shook my head and giggled as he pulled me in for a kiss.

"So where are we going tonight Daniel?" I smiled at him.

"Erm, you kow what?"

"No what?"

"I think we should repeat the first night we met....not the awkwardness though."

"Ha ha." I smiled looking down.

"I mean if you want to go out it doesn't really matter to me."

"No." I hugged him. I looked into his deep chocolate brown eyes. "I'd love it." I pecked his lips.

"Okay give me a second I'll ask Phil if he can stay at Bonney's tonight."


I pulled out my phone and began to compose a tweet.

Hey monsters! I'm hanging with @danisnotonfire tonight :3 So, I'm thinking of making a new video any ideas? (I'll read the suggestions tomorrow and start filming)

I sent out the tweet. Ha, I'm pretty sure 90% will be asking about a video with Dan or Phil or asking for me to do some sort of challenge.

"Hey Dan..."


"Did uh, the Danosaurs and the monsters ever know you know." I said pointing to my head.

"Um, not really."

"So how did I still make videos?"

"I dunno. I guess the Youtuber in you stayed or something." He shook his head and laughed.

He went into the kitchen and got Maltesers and soda out of the cubboard.

He plopped down and I stoll the Maltesers. He ran and snatched them back from me.

"Ha!" He kissed me. "I think we nailed that day perfectly." He layed down across my lap.

"Um, Dan what the heck are you doing?!" I said trying not to giggle too much.

"feed me?" He held up the bag of maltesers.

"As long as I get to sleep in your bed tonight."

"Oh funny."

I rolled my eyes and popped a malteser in his mouth. I kissed him on the forehead.

"That's my thing!" He smiled.

"No." I kissed him again on his forehead. "It's our thing."

"Oh you sappy little 'itch!"

"Ow,..." I held my hand to my chest. "T-that hurt my feels."

"Oh I'm sorry." He kissed me again on my lips.

"No, no you're not." I stuck my tounge out at him.

"Yes, yes I am."

"Okay I forgive you." I jumped ontop of him and started kissing him.



"I love you."

I smiled. "I love you too."

You gotta remember me, right? (Danisnotonfire Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now