Chapter 7 - No?!

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"I just have one question.-" I stoped waiting for my response.

"Which is." He said, I could hear the fright in his voice. He was nervous.

"Do you like me?"  I blurted it out, trying to get it over with. A few second went by after that.


Wh-what? He said no. Oh my god, this can't be happening! I couldn't handle speaking to him, not now anyways! I had to leave before I embarised myself.

I just ran. I figure out where I was going from where me, Dan, Chris and PJ had eaten earlier it was only a couple blocks away from Dan's place. His place was about 10 minutes from my hotel so I just ran. I got about half way to his house, and I stopped and turned around, thank god! Dan didn't seem to be following me, but I still kept running I NEEDED to talm to Bonney right now!


"Shit!" I said running after her. I didn't get very far. I'm not much of a runner. So I ran to my apartment complex as fast as I could. I got in my car, and drove as fast as I could to her hotel. I had to take the chance of getting a ticket. I mean I really fucked up ANY of my chances with this girl. I got to the hotel and I saw her run in I ran after her once I got to the center of the lobby. I saw her sillowette run into the elevator. I texted her as fast as I could.

"Look we need to talk!!" I sent the text. She replied instantly.

"There's nothing to talk about." Oh jeez! 

I ran to the elevator and hit the button frantically trying to get it to come down! It was taking too long someone on the 4th floor had got on! Great just my luck. I turned around trying to find the stairs. I ran frantically up the steps. I got to her floor. I saw her opening the door. I ran up to her.

I turned her around.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to say no! I do like you! I don't know I was over thinking and I fucked up." I said that so fast, I'm pretty sure she didn't even understand one word. Out of breath she just stared at me. No facial expression at all. Seconds passed, it felt like centuries! Then she just hugged me. I'd never felt so happy before in my life!

"I forgive you, but how do I know that you're no lying?"

"Why would I lie about something like that?" He had a good point though.....but guy's I've dated have done that before.

"Fine, then you may come in." 

He walked in. Now that we've had the conversation about the kiss. We both knew what was coming next, but we both knew we didn't want to talk about it.

"So sleep over at my house again tonight?" I said trowing a pillow at him.

"Nahhh, I'll sleep at my own place tonight. Give you a break from my crazy self. Cause you can't handle this much Dan! He said laughing.

We watched a couple of his videos, then mine. He told me a couple cool tricks on editing. And then he left.

Once he was gone I decided to try and skype Bonney.

"Hey Boney you there." It said she was online but sometimes she leaves it open, and walks off.

"Yeah, video?"

"Yep." I clicked the video call button and she picked up.


"What?" I said curiously, even though I had an idea to what she was hinting to.

"What happened between you and llama lover last night?"

"Nothing. We just hung out, and stuff."

"And stuff? Like what type of stuff we talking about here? Like that stuff." She said while trusting. Ha ha god!!! That's probably why we are friends.

"Ha ha very funny. No!"

"You wish though!"  After she said that, I mean I had to blush. It was semi true. 

"Anyways I need advice." I said changing the subject.

"Oh god! You're coming to Bonney Hopeton, for advice? You must be desperate!" She said playfully. She WAS right though I was desperate.

"If a guy kisses you. Then it's awkward and nothing's said. THEN he says he doesn't like you. Then he said he does. What the hells going on?!?!?" I said frantically.

"Oh um yeaaah, that's easy."

I just made responses to show that I was waiting for the rest of her answer.

"He's into you. He's just nervous that you don't like him, like he likes you. And OH MY GOD HE KISSED YOU!!!" 

"Ummm maybe....Thanks!" Then I just closed my laptop. She might be mad, but she'll get over it. We're mean to each other like that all the time. 

Okay so, I like him. I'm pretty sure he likes me. We need to work this out. TONIGHT!

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