Chapter 18 - What's the matter?!

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*****YEAH! So Phil's first pov.! I feel excited! :D Hope you liked the fanfic so far. And thank you for reading! I'm going to try and write at least 30 chapters so there's more to read!!*****


"How did he find you?" Dan said in a very worrying tone to Vanessa.

"I don't know, and I'm not going to stick around to find out." She answered back practically in tears.

I've been back in London for about 10 minutes tops! And all this drama went down within seconds. 

"Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on here?!!" 

"Oh, he was my uhh, ex."

"Okay. That bad of a break up?"

"No, but that bad of a relationship." She said while throdling her neck.

"What do you mea- Ohhh." the car went silent.

"So, where we going for lunch?" Vanessa said changing the subject.

"I dunno. Phil what do you think?" Dan asked.

"Oh uhh, umm. Maybe we should eat in? Like but food and just cook it for once."

"Yeah, ha ha going out is too mainstream." Vanessa nudged Dan. "Let's eat in tonight."

"But that takes cooking and cooking takes effort." Dan pouted playfully.

"Fine then I'll make it." Vanessa said.

"No you're our guest. You shouldn't" I said imediatly. 

"I insist, you guys should let me. After all Dan has been so nice to me all this time."

"I'll cook with you then, I'd like to get to know Dan's new other half a little more." I smiled.

"That would be great Phil!" She turned around and flashed a big smile.

She was pretty. Very pretty. I was happy for Dan. They seemed to fit together good enough by the looks of it.

"So here's one more thing we need to figure out. What shouold we get?" Dan said while parking the car in the shopping centre parking lot.

"Uhhh, bangers and mash?" Vanessa asked. (BTW If you guys don't know what bangers and mash is it's another BRITISH term for sasuages and mash potatoes.)

"That would be easy enough." I said nodding to her suggestion.

"Okay so Phil go get the ingerdiants for the mash, me and Vanessa will get the rest of the stuff."

"kk." I jumped out and walked into the shop. 


"Hey Dan..?" I said pulling on his sleave slightly.

"Yeah..?" He turned around and looked at me.

"Do you think Phil will approve of me? Like will he like me?"

"I'm sure he will. You're awesomely perfect." He said while touching my hair. 

He put his arm around me. He was obviously taller than me. Not by a lot but his arm rested on my shoulders perfectly.

"Daniel. Was that was so chessy!" I giggled.

"Of course it was." 

I shook my head and rolled my eyes. "You're such a weirdo."

"And you love me because of it."

"Nahh, it's just for the fame."

He stopped and looked at me with a fake surprised face.

You gotta remember me, right? (Danisnotonfire Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now