Chapter 12 - Moonlight Picnic

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So we left PJ's and went back to my place Vanessa is watching T.V. right now so I should pack the food real quick while she's distracted.

Once I finished I sat next to her.

"Hey so, ready?" 

"Yep, oh yeah do I need money?"

"Nah it's on me."


Okay, so all I needed to figure out was where would I go to get her a swim suit? Ergh, I would just ask her if she had one but that might give it away. I went to the bathroom and packed two towels in the bag then I walked Vanessa down to the car.

"So where do I have to take you to go shopping?"

"For what?"

"Can't tell you yet. Just where would you go to get clothes and swim suits and stuff like that."

"uuhhh the cheapest place would probably be Walmart." 

"Ha ha just tell me a clothes shop. Cause I am NOT going to buy clothes for you at walmart."

"Okay Claire's then."

"Why thank you! Now was that so hard?"

"Yes, yes it was." She pouted and turned to the window.

"Aww well get over it!" Nudged her and she turned around and smiled.

We got to the store and I found the swim suits at the back. I searched through them I wasn't really a great personal shopper so I just picked out a aqua blue one with black and white splatter paint on it.

"Here try this on."

"wow pushy much?"

"Fine. Try this on please." I pouted with puppy dogs eyes.


She went into the changing stall and I waited outside. 

"okay I'm done."  She said through the door.

"Does it fit?"

"Yeah, so any reason I'm trying on a swim suit? I have one with me you know."

"Well I wanted to buy you one cause it might ruin the surprise if I asked you to get it earlier."

"Wanna come see how it looks." Oh wow. Umm awkward I don't really know how to respond to that. Then without any warning she opened the door and pulled me into the tiny crammed room.

"Ah this room is way too small for two people!" 

"Yeah well you didn't answer me." She giggled.

"Ha ha." I looked at her. "You look nice." I smiled and then she hugged me. Ah we were at like the honey moon faze already. I liked it though! I just had to smile.

"Dimples!!" She smiled and poked my dimples. "And oh my god just noticing the hobbit hair!" She smiled even more and looked at me.

"Yeah, I was too lazy to do it." I fixed it.

"I love it though!" She hugged me again.

"OKAY! Time for Dan to get out I'm getting claustrophobic now."

"Ha ha okay, I'll be back out in a minute."

I walked out of the room, and the sales lady gave me the strangest look. All I could do was awkwardly smile and wait for Vanessa. 

"Okay done." She walked out and passed me the bathing suit.

"okay we'll but this and then go on our date."

You gotta remember me, right? (Danisnotonfire Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now