Chapter 22 - Apartment huntin'

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Sun ran across my face and the rays slid acorss my eyelids. I sat up and tried to collect myself. 

"Welp, I had a good sleep." I yawned to myself.

I threw a pillow over to Vanessa's bed.

"Get up sleepy head."

There was no response. I stood up and realized she wasn't there. I walked down stairs to get some breakfast and that's when I saw Dan and Vanessa on the couch.

I dropped the cereal box and ran to Phil's room.

I opened the door and ran and jumped on the bed next to him.

"Ahhh! What the hell?!" Phil shot up.

"Morning stranger."

"Why would you do that?!"

"Because come here." I gripped his arm and rushed him into the lounge.

"So-" He paused for a yawn. "They're sleeping on the couch? What's your point?"

"We should scare them!" I smiled deviously.

Phil looked at me with a poker face. "Really. just. really."

"Oh come on." I gripped him and went into Dan's room to get the masks .

"How do I look?" I giggled to Phil after putting on one of the faces.

"Terrifying." Phil laughed.

"Okay let's do this." I put up a fake spy gun using my hands.

Phil laughed. "Roger that!"

We ran to the couch and jumped on it. We laughed and we almost managed to flip over the whole couch. We did manage to tip it over enough to make Dan and Vanessa fall off.

Meanwhile me and Phil are just laughing our asses off while Dan and Vanessa were freaking out.

"What tha fuck you guys!?!?" Vannessa stood up and ran to the bathroom.

"Gee, such a great wake up call you two. Thanks." 

"We didn't mean to tip over the couch but good morning." I giggled.

Then Vanessa screamed my name. "Bonney Hamilton!"

"Oh god." I looked at Dan and Phil's confused faces wide eyed.

She ran in a grabbed my arm and pulled me into the bathroom.

"What's wron- oh my go I'm sorry!" I said looking at her.

She had cut the right side of her forhead open. Not enough for stiches but still.

"Go get me a band-aid before Dan see's this." 


I shot out of the bathroom and ran into the kitchen.

"What's wrong." Phil said helping Dan off of the floor.

"Nothing." I found the box of band-aids and ran back into the bathroom. "Here."

I handed her a badage and she put it on. She flipped her hair in front of her face a little so Dan couldn't notice.

"Okay, I'm cool."

"K, I'm sorry."

"It's okay Bon just a battle scar." We both giggled and went back into the lounge.

"So, what's today's schedual?" Vanessa said trying to not get their attention of what had just happened.

"Ummmm." Dan said looking at me pointing at Vanessa.

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