Chapter 13 - The radio show

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As yesterday, I was awake. Wide awake even, but I kept my eyes closed. Finally after a while the sun crept in the room, and shined on my face. I got up-Vanessa was still sleeping- I went into the kitchen to find some cereal or something. I didn't really find anything I fancied. So I just got a glass of OJ. 

"Eh, me and Vanessa could go out for breakky this morning." I said to myself.

Ahh! It's Sunday, I needa do the radio show today. I wonder if Vanessa would wanna come. Hmm. Maybe not she might get bored. I'll ask her later.

I turned on xbox and played Skyrim for a little while. It was about 10 when Vanessa stumbled out of the room.

"Mornin' sunshine!" I said chuckling to myself.

"Ha ha." She rubbed her eyes and sat down next to me. She yawned. "So what's on the schedueal for today?"

"Ehh, not much. I thought we'd go and get food. Before my stomach commits suicide. And then around 7 O'clock I needa be at the radio station."

"Okay." She rubbed her eyes again and leaned on my shoulder.

So I guess she really likes me. -I smirked- Well, she obiously likes me. If not she wouldn't have gone out with me.

I finished playing xbox and then we went out to the little coffee shop by me and Phil's apartment. After that we video chatted Bonney -Vanessa's friend- She seems nice. Can't wait to meet her. Vanessa said she was coming to stay with her later along in the next two months. Once she got here, she said they were gonna look for apartments. I hope she finds a good priced one. But I hope it's not too far away from me and Phil's. I hope that doesn't sound selfish.

"Hey you okay?" She closed the laptop and packed it away looking at me. 

"Uhh yeah just getting my self ready for tonight show." I stood up and got my xbox controller again.

"Ohh-" She looked at me with a blank expression. "And no more xbox today!" She giggled and took the controller from my grasp.

"Hey!"  I ran after her.

She ran into my room and locked the door. I knocked on it a couple times. After about 5 knocks she opened the door and ran to the bed.

"Where's the remote?"

"Uhh, I don't know, you tell me." She gave me the best poker face she could.

"No, seriously." 

She srugged her shoulders.

"Fine you give me no choice." I ran over and tickled her. "Where is it."

She just laughed. I stopped. "It's in.." 

I tickled her again. "Oh where was that? I couldn't quite hear you?" I giggled.

I stopped again. "It's behind the door dummy. she giggled and sat up. 

"Thanks!" I ran and got the controller. I turned around and looked ata her. "Mwha ha ha ha ha!" I ran itno the living room.

"Not fair!" She ran after me.

We decided to play Bioshock. If I died then she'd play. I only died twice. She only died once. Well, that's only because we had to leave after the first time she died! 

We headed to the station and once we got there. Yeah. Umm, I forgot to pick out the music video! Crap!

"Crap!" I said.


"The video. I forgot to pick it out!"

"I'll help you pick one out real quick."


"Oh I made a video a while back, when you and Phil first got the show. Do you think you could use that?"

"I guess, what song did you use?"

"Brick By Boring Brick by Paramore."

"Ahh old school Paramore. I think I could use it."

I got to the station and Vanessa just sat in the lounge right outside of the radio room thing. She said she was feeling kinda weird so I checked up on her every few songs.


Hope I'm not much of a pest to Dan right now. I mean he's doing his show. I could be supporting him by being in there with him. I'd just get in the way though. I don't know.

"Hey the show should be over soon, you need anything?" Dan patted me on the back.

"Naah, I'm okay. You go ahead and keep doing the show."

"Okay." He ran back into the little room.

Hm. I haden't really thought about that guy who'd called me. Maybe I should ask Bonney about it.

"Hey can I ask you something?" I sent out the text and layed down on the couch in the louge. I got quite bored after a while so I played Angry Birds.

Soon enough Dan finished up with show and we left after a while.

"Shit!" I looked at my phone and it was pretty much dead.

"What's wrong?" He didn't take his eyes off the road but I could tell he wanted to comfort me as soon as he heard that.

"My  phone dead."

"Wanna use mines?"

"Uhh yeah."

I started to text Bonney.

"Hey this is Vanessa on Dan's phone, umm did you get my last text? (from my phone)" I sent it and then after a while Dan's ohone vibrated in my hands.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Uhh, a guy called me the other day. I couldn't really put a name to the voice. I knew the person though. Do you think it could've been Josh?" 

"Oh. Yeah. um. depends...did the guy sound mad?"

"No, not really. He just seemed. Really sure of himself." I texted. I frowned and looked up. I haden't been in Manchester long, but I knew the roads me and Dan usually walk and rode on. We were close to his house.

"Hey Dan can we stop by my place I wanna pick up some stuff."


I looked down at his phone. 1 new message. I opened it. It was Bonney.

"Oh sure of himself. Then it probably was Josh. Lols."

"I hope it wasn't. I don't wanna see his face ever again."

"He called you right?"

"Well I asked who it was and he said I'd find out soon enough.....It's either him or a creep. Not much of a diff."

"Ness, have you told anyone about this?"

"No. Do you think it's that serious?"

"Might be. Maybe you should tell Dan, he might get mad from you not telling him."

"I'll tell him."


"When I get it figured out." I sent the last message out and I deleted as much of the messages as I could. Bonney texted back once more.

"Whatever. Go on skype later if ya can."

"Kk" I sent that out. I didn't erase the ones that seemed normal. I gave Dan back the phone and we were at the hotel.

"We're here."

"Oh cool. Coming up? Cause I just needa pick up a few things?"

"ehh, I'll come." 

"Okay, lets go then." I got out of the car and ran to the lobby.

"Hey wait up." I heard Dan yell across the parking lot.

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