Chapter 4 - Total Fan-girl

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I woke up with sun on the corner of my face. I put the pillow on my face to block it out. Finally after about 5 minutes of just sitting there I got up and walked to the toliet. I looked in the mirror, and oh god! The hobbit hair was starting to evolve! Why, just why. I walked out and heard shuffling in the kitchen.

"Hello, killer if you're there make me a sandwich while you're there." After I said that all I heard was laughter. I knew it was Vanessa.

"Oh, so you don't want your jacks and bacon?" She said smiling. Man, I  loved her smile! 

"No!! no!! I need them!!!" I said playing around. "Even if I have to make them myself" 

"Woah, some one seems desperate." She said sounding surprised. "Ha ha but I won't be making them cause I have no food."

"Bu-but you promised." I said pouting my lip. 

"Oh it's alright you will get them. Why don't we go out and eat instead of buying food then cooking it?"

"That sounds like a good deal." I said. "But we need to run by my aparment so I can get changed."

"Okay I'll be right back." She ran into her room.

"Okay." I shouted across the hotel room trying to get her to hear me.

About 12/15 minutes later she walked out wearing Black skinny jeans, a micky mouse top, black converse. Her hair was out and straight, she was wearing just eyeliners and lipgloss. So natural, so beautiful. I smiled and walked to her. I bowed down motioning my hands towards the door. 

"My lady." 

"Ha ha Mr. Howell, you're making me blush." She smiled and walked out of the room. I grabbed my movie and my CD -which we never got to listen to- and I ran out following her closing the door shut behind me.

Once we got to my apartment she just wondered around looking at some of the items in the living room.

"I've seen you guy's videos too much. I know exactly where everything is Ha ha." 

"Well thats not creepy." I said changing my shirts, she smirked then turned away biting her nails. "What?"

"Ohhh nothing."

"Er mer gerd you're a total fan girl aren't you?"

"Not total....okay yes...maybe."

"Ha ha I knew it!!!"  I yelled with excitment (Don't know why)

She looked at me and smiled. I loved her smile. Her eyes looked straight at me. I got lost in them...again. It was silent neither of us looked away. We just stood there. Gazing.

Slowly I leaned in, oh god. What am I doing. What if she doesn't like me like in THAT way. I was over thinking it. By the time my brain focused and I realised we were kissing. And it wasn't just me awkwardly kissing her. She was kissing back! I think...

Finally I pulled away and looked into her gorgeous eyes. Bright in colour. I loved them! I loved her smile. I loved her?

We kind of just stood there awkwardly until... "I-I'll be right back" After I said that I practically ran into my room and dialed Phil's cell. It was about 11 here so it'd be around 7 in Florida, I'm praying to god he's awake. 


"He-hello." He said in his 'half awake voice'

"Phil, did I wake you?" 

"Oh hey Dan, no I just got up though. Whats up?"

"I kissed her!?!?!?!#@!#" I said trying not to yell.


"The girl from the airport."

"Didn't you JUST meet her less than 24 hours ago?"

"Maybe but that's not the point, I need your help!!"

"Okay, jeez calm down. Just tell me what happened before the kiss."

"Okay so we were at the apartment, me and her are about to go out to breakfast and I was changing my shirts. We were like joking and then we just like kissed. Well I kissed her..."

-silence- "Phil?!"

"Oh uhh, sorry. um maybe just, I don't really know what to tell you but talk about it over breakfast or something. I gotta go call me if anything else happens."

"Well thanks, I can always count on you." I said sarcastically.

I hung up and sat in my room just thinking and thinking about what to say to her once I came out of the room.



Starring into his eyes. Gazing even. I really liked him. Not even for Danisnotonfire for him. For Daniel Howell. All at once this all happened. Everything I wished would be reality. Meeting him and Phil. Becoming friends with him even! But this, this is so much better than I would've thought. And in that moment. He kissed me. Dan freaking Howell kissed ME! It seemed to last forever before he pulled away.

 "I-I'll be right back" He said anciously practically running to his romm. What the heck!?! Does that mean he didn't do this on purpose......He didn't like me? He Liked me?!?! What did it mean?!!!! I've never been able to read a guy, but this. This was worse, I couldn't figure out anything! No signs to even hint that he liked me a little. 

I seat down on the couch. I touched my lips. Re-playing what had just happened over and over again. Trying to see if a light bulb would go off in my head or something. But there was just nothing.

I waited for about 15 minutes before I went and knocked on the door.

"D-Dan? Are you okay?" I said with a soft and quiet voice.

"Umm, yeah come in." I'd never been so happy to hear his voice before. My hearts started beating as I turned the door knob. My heart beat following a rhythm of a clock tower. Bam, bam, bam,bam. I couldn't hear anything over my heart beating. My palms started getting sweaty. As the door opened. I saw Dan. On his bed. Just sitting there. He had suck a blank and puzzled look on his face.

"Look I'm sorr-" I cut him off cause I knew what he was about to say.

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