Chapter 23 - The Big Apple

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The past week went past pretty fast. Me and Vanesa got our new place. We're moving in tomorrow. Right now we're on our way to the airport with Dan and Phil. Ma and Vanessa became very good friends with: Carrie, Alex, Charlie, Chris, and PJ. They're so cool.

"So you guys gonna miss us?" Dan said hugging Vanessa.

"Lol no! Just kidding yes, well Vanessa will miss you Dan." Me and Phil giggled.

"Aww we'll see you on skype. Plus we have a YouNow chat to do on Tuesday or Thursday so yeah you'll see us then too."

"Ah, she'll be fine. I'll just have to lock her in our apartment while you guys are gone. She might try to sleep in your room Dan." I laughed.

"Eh, as long as she doesn't video tape my underware!" Dan said looking at Phil.

"I did say I was sorry!"

Me and Vanessa just laughed.

The cab stopped and the boys got out. 

"Keep it running please. We'll be right back." I told the driver.

"Bye Bonney-" Phil kissed me on the cheek and gave me and hug. "Bye Ness." Phil kissed her on the cheek and hugged her.

"Bye Phil!" Me and Vanessa said in unison. We both hugged him.

"Oh come on guys you'll make me cry." He giggled while we released our grip.

"Bye Bon bon." Dan smiled.

"Good-bye Daniel!" I smiled and hugged him.

"Bye Ness." Dan pouted his lips and put out his arms.

"I'm gonna miss you, you weirdo." She ran into a hug.

"Gonna miss ya too love." He kissed the top of her head.

"okay Dan no crying you have to look pretty for Fall Out Boy." I smiled and pulled Vanessa back.

"Yeah we gotta go." Phil said dragging Dan into the airport.

Me and Ness waved to Dan while Phil was practically dragging him. It made us giggle. Me and Vanessa got back in the cab. As soon as she sat down she hipped out her phone.

She texted: "Text me when you get to the hotel!

"Will do love. :*" Dan texted her back. I read over her shoulder.

"Pokey much?" She giggled and put her phone back in her pocket.

"always!" I smiled.

"Ugh! Fine here scroll through if ya need to." Vanessa said rolling her eyes and passing me the phone.

"Nah just wanted the games." I giggled.


"Bon bon!" 


"I'm off to the store then I'm gonna pick up the keys from our land lord. Anything special you need for the house?"

"Other than food? No." 

"Kay, I'll be back as soon as possible."


I walked down to the store and bought a bunch of food. Bread, cereal, milk, condaments, fruit, meat, pasta stuff like that and like two big tubs of ice cream cause tonight me and Bonney are just going to watch all the Harry Potter's movies. 


"Phil time to go!" I yell while banging on his hotel room door.

"Okay, okay I'm coming!" His voice broke through the other side.

You gotta remember me, right? (Danisnotonfire Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now