Chapter 32 - Let's go then!

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"Who is this?" I said trying to firgure out the voice.

I looked at Dan. He looked nervous. As was Phil and I. I switched to look at the cops. I nodded my head.

They plugged my cell phone into one of their computers. A map came up on the screen. It wasn't like the ones on Google Maps it was a colorful little virtual map. I lloked on the screen searching the towns and cities. Finally a red dot popped up on the screen. The cops wrote down the adress.

I kept talking to Josh on the phone. Saying suddle things to keep him on the line like "How's it been?" Even though I didn't care.

"Why haven't you left yet?!" Dan turned around looking at the two cops with the adress. I swung around and saw the cops. They looked confused.

"We don't reconize this adress." The cop holding the paper said with a frown.

"What do you mean. You're police officers you're supposed to know every inch of Manchester." Phil said out-raged.

"Guys......." Josh just hung up the phone getting agravated. "This isn't a Manchester adress."

"How would you know?" The second cop said rudley.

"Okay first of all smart-ass don't take that tone with me. Second of all I know it's not a Manchester adress because it's a adress in Boston."

"What?!" Dan came running to look at the computer screen.

"How would you know THAT." The second cop responded rudely again.

"Because I'm from Bostson. Anymore questions? Thought not." I turned around and I looked at the computer again. From the corner I could see Phil smiling.

I shook my head. "Stop laughing or you're next." I giggled going to hug him.

"Oh please no." He smiled and kissed me on the cheek.

"So-" Dan stood up from leaning over looking at the screen. "How do we get her back now?"

"Police escort to Boston?" I looked at the first cop(He was more poliet)

"We can try to get you guys up there to talk to the BPD(Boston Police Department) officers up there."

"Thank you."


"Thank you so much Bonney!" I hugged Bonney.

"Eh, don't thank me yet...we haven't gotten her back yet."

I sighed. Just thinking about what she'd just said made my heart break.

"Well let's pack a suitcase for all of us. Hopefully we wont be up in Boston for too long." Phil.

"Yeah you guy can share. I'm a girl I don't need you seeing my unmetionables." Bonney said smiling as Phil pulled her into a hug. I wish I could hug Vanessa like that again. Now.

"We're more mature than that." Phil said.

"As long as you don't upload a video with them in the background I'm good." Bonne giggled.

"I didn't do it on purpose!!" That made me laugh too.

"Ha ha suuuuuurre." I rolled my eyes and walked passed him.


"So everything's packed?" I said clapping my hands.

"Yep." Bonney said as phi brought the suitcase out into the lounge.


Bonney's phone rang she put it on speaker.

"Hello Bonney?" A woman said on the other side of the line.

"This is she." She said.

"You're flight is ready. You need to be at the airport soon. At 8 o'clock (PM)"

"Okay thanks." She hung up.

I looked at my phone quicky. "Uhhh, guys. we need to leave like now." It was 7:30 it usually took us a while to get there.

"Ya got a point." Phil grabbed the suitcase. 

"let's go then!" Bonney said running to the door I grabbed my keys and we ran to the car.


Out of breathe me and Phil caught up to Bonney. There was the two police officers wating at the door.

"Here's your tickets. Good luck. We're going to be keeping in touch with the police department in Boston. And pretty much everywhere else if anything happens."

"Thank you so much." I said shaking the man's hand.

"All in a day's work." He said.

We got on the plane and off to Boston we went.

"Full name please."


I heard Bonney say Vanessa and then my mind shut off. I couldn't stop thinking about what could be happening to her. What HAD happened to her. I just want her in my arms again. Safe and sound.


I can't stop thinking about my friends and family. Not to mention Dan. Why did this guy...this man. Do this. Who is he?!

He hasn't been completely starving me. I eat two meals a day. He goes out sometime around 11 and comes back around 3. God knows where he goes.

Each time he leaves I always try to get internet service but I only get one bar. It's not enough to go on Twitter or anything. Just my luck right?

He went somewhere again today. For breakfast this morning he gave me an omlete thingy. It didn't taste all that great but I didn't have much of a variety.

I got out of the bed and looked into the mirror doors on the wardrobe. I've lost quiet a lot of weight. I know Bonney will find me soon. All I gotta say. When she does she better bring me a boat load of food. Good or bad for me.

I tried the internet one more time. I walked from one corner of the room to the next. Finally in the far right corner I got 3 bars. YES!!

I clicked 'new tab' typed in twitter as fast as I could.

'Dan I miss you guys!! xoxox'

I sent out the tweet then went to Facebook.

'I don't know where I am. It's some sort of abandone neighboorhood. I dunno. I've lost quiet of alot of weight :/ I'm alright but I need you guys to find me. I can't really answer back because I barely have a bar of service most of the time. Miss you guys! See you soon <3'

I sent that out then hid my ipod. Just thinking about having Dn back in my arms made me happy. But than again I got a lump in my throat just thinking about it.

I went into bed and sobbed.


"Hey look!" I held up my phone. "She just sent me a message!!" Phil, Bonney and a couple of cops gathered around me.

"It says: I don't know where I am. It's some sort of abandone neighboorhood. I dunno. I've lost quiet of alot of weight :/ I'm alright but I need you guys to find me. I can't really answer back because I barely have a bar of service most of the time. Miss you guys! See you soon <3"

"Okay so Bonney it's up to you. Do you think you know where she is. We have an adress. Now it's all up to you." The cop handed her the peice of paper with the adress on it.

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