Chapter 28 - Drama llama

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"Me and Phil were going to stay at our house today while the girls were going out to get some christmas stuff. Me and Phil were gonna sneak out and get them something too.

"So whatcha gonna get Bon?" I said enthusiastically to Phil.

"Eh, I have no idea. Maybe some new outfit, and for Vanessa I'm probably just gonna get her a new video game or something for her videos. What about you?"

"For Vanessa I'm gonna get some jewlery and perfume I guess. She said she really wanted the Katy Perry perfume. And for misses Bon Bon I'm gonna get her some band merch."

"Fall Out Boy, Muse, Green Day or Paramore?"

"I have no idea yet." I sat there with a straight face.


"Hey Bonney, what do you think Phil would like...from me?"

"Um, shoes, tee shirt errr um, maybe a lion animal thing. I dunno."

"Eh, I'll firgure it out." I said picking up an awesome lion shirt.

It was galaxy print, over a face of a lion.

"Perfect!" I said holding it up to show Bonney.

"Oh nice! He'll love that!"

"I know right, okay I'm done for Phil. Now Dan."

"You better know what to get him cause I won't."

I sat there thinking for a second. Then I thought about that morning after the halloween party. The pocture he showed me that I edited! I could get that printed on a tee shirt or something.

"Hey Bonney can you call Phil for me?"

"Uh, sure one sec." She dialed the phone and when Phil picked up she said: "Hey Phil. Vanessa wants to speak to you." he quickly passed me the phone.

"Hey whats up?" He asked.

"No time, go get Dan's phone. I made a picture for one of our annerversaries. Sent that to me. Do you know what picture?"

"Yeah, I took it. Ha ha Want me to tell him to do it?"

"No! Don't! Just send it please I don't want him to know. Thanks Phil."

"kk." He hung up the phone and I got the text soon.

"Okay I need this to get printed out." We went to one of the photo shops. Originally I was going to get it on a shirt but that seemed cheesy. So I just got it printed out jumbo onto a canvas so he could hang it up somewhere. I hoped he will like it.

"V-wala!" I held up the picture to show Bonney.

"Awesome so now you need to help me with shopping!" She grabbed my arm and we went back into the shopping centre.

"Okay for Dan I was thinking to get him just like a big bucket of maltesers."

"Ha ha perfect!"


"Yeah. Write something ffunny on the card and he'll be set." I giggled.

"Okay so I can check Dan off the shopping list. Now. Philip."

"Ha, he's your man! You should know him better than I do."


I went over to the comic store and shotted some Pokemon shirts.

You gotta remember me, right? (Danisnotonfire Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora