Chapter 30 - We'll find her

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~So really short chapter it's just going to be dialouge between Dan and Phil and then at the very end Bonney will come in so yeah. Hope you like the story so far and Sorry if I killed your feels from the last chapter.~



"Phil, could you come help me look for a while?" I said knocking slightly on Phil's bedroom door.

"Erm, sure just let me get dressed I'll be out in a minute."

"K, thanks mate." I hopped downstairs and sat on the couch.

"Hey there Danosaurs! What's up. Sorry I haven't made a video with Bonney and Ness in a while. But hey whatcha guys up to?"

I sent out the tweet and the RT's and Replies came piling in soon enough.

"Omg, what's up with no video with the girls?!? Is everything okay Danyull?" I read off this tweet, I just shook my head.

"No, it's not." I said to myself.

I could fell my eyes filling with tears.

"Okay ready." PHil said out of the blue.

"Oh um, okay cool." I stood up and wipped away  the tears forming.

"You're alright?"

"Um, yeah let's go. The sooner the better right?" I did and awkward laugh and grabbed the keys.

We drove for what seemed like years. We drove around all day showing Vanessa's picture to people asking them had they seen her. We'd already contacted authorities about the situation. They weren't helping much.

We stopped accasionally to get food and stuff, but other than that. It was just driving around.


-ring ring ring-


"Hey Philip."

"Bonney, read to join us yet?"

"Erm, maybe not yet. I'm still a mess. Tell Dan I need a break for a while. I'll help him as soon as I can."

"Okay. Will do. Need us to bring you anything?

"Nah. Good luck you to. Stay safe. Love a Phil. Bye."

"Thanks and love ya too."

She hung up and Dan instantly looked at me.

"She'll catch up another day she needs a break."

"Okay...Why don't we just...go home. We'll try again tomorrow or something..?" He said pulling over the car at a gas station.

"It's up to you." I said patting his shoulder.

He leaned his head back on the seat and sighed. He closed his eyes for a breif second.

"Let's just go home.."

He lifted his head up again and started to drive back home.


"Alright, I'm gonna try to film something. Could you keep quiet for a while?" Dan said putting his keys on the counter.

"Uh, sure."

He ran upstairs and shut the door.

Poor Dan, he must be devistated. Not to metion Bonney. I feel pretty bad too, I mean she is one of m best friends. And to think she might be in harm. That just breaks my heart.

I walked into my room and slumped down on the bed. I layed back and sighed.

"Gonna go hang with my other half. <3"

I tweeted so that Dan could see. I didn't wnat to text him. That might make his phone go off. I got my jacket and walked out of the house.


I knocked on the answer.

I waited a while 'till I knocked again....still no answer.

I called Bonney's cell....busy....

Finally I decided to get the spare key that they had made for me and Dan in case of an emergency or something. I went under the mat and unlcoked the door. Closed and locked it behind me.

"Bonney? Love? Are you home?" I said slowly walking around the apartment to see if I could see her anywhere.

Everything was still silent. Then I heard shuffling in her room. Slowly walking to the door.


I walked in. To my relief she was on the bed sleeping.

"Bonney, love. How are you holding up." I kicked off my shoes and layed down beside her.

She turned around so she was facing me. Tears running down her face. "I never liked Josh...he never liked me."

She stood up and turned off the TV and sat back on the bed. "He always rubbed me the wrong way. From day 1. It wasn't that bad in the begining but when I firgured out what he was doing to her. I hated him. I knew he did bad stuff to Ness, I just didn't think he'd go to the her."

"Bon." I said trying to confort her.

She ignored me and went on talking. "You know, I think he had the intentions to do it this whole time. I mean he called her on her and Dan's first date saying she'd find out who this was soon enough. She talked to me about it. But I didn't even give good enough advice Phil. I told her it's probably not that serious, but just in case tell Dan. I wasn't being a good friend."

"Bonney don't say that. You and Vanessa are the best of friends. Sisters even. You couldn't ever not be a good friend. You're there for her like she is for you, and if your blaming yourself for anything that has to do with that twat doesn't even make sense. He did stupid crap not you. So you shouldn't blame your-self for his messed up decisions."

She tilted her head down, closed her eyes. I lifted her head up, a single tear ran down her cheek.

I wipped it off. She opened her eyes and smiled a bit. I smiled back and hugged her.

"Don't cry love. We'll find her."

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