Chapter 3 - Great we've caused a shit-storm

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My phone vibrated in my pocket, I took it out and looked at the screen

"Hey stranger it's Vanessa, my room # is 34D."

"Oh dear god, do I have to walk up stairs?" I said to sound lazy. (which I am)

"Ha ha no, just take the elevator, the rooms like right infront of it."

"Thank you!!!!!!" I texted, maybe I responded to fast. Naahh.

I was just about to walk out of the room whe I'd realised.....I forgot the movie. I went ot go pick it up. It was right next to my computer. I had Twitter open. I looked at the tweet I made earlier to Vanessa. Why did I do that?! Now everyone thinks we're dating. The only thing I needa find out is that if that's a good thing or bad. I mean she's not ugly or anything. Bright green eyes, light brown hair that came about to her elbows. She was pretty, gorgeous even. But I JUST met her. I can't be liking her yet.

I grabbed the movie and on the way out I picked up the new Fall Out Boy CD. Hopefully she liked them.

I walked out of my apartment. I decided to drive because yes, I am really lazy. she was about 5 minutes away by car. 10 to 15 minutes by foot. I got to her hotel. I looked at my relfection in the silver doors and fixed me hair. I didn't flat press it before I left this time, hopefully my hobbit hair decides to not come out and play tonight. Or at least it'll last through the movie.

I got to the elevator and I caught myself smiling as I pressed the button to floor 2. I stepped out and looked around. Vanessa was right the room WAS right infront of the elevator. I texted her cause that's more classier than nocking. Ha ha. 

"Knockity Knock Knock." I texted.

She texted back right away. "What?" I started to type my next message but before I could finish she wrote back. "Ohhhh, one second. Lols."

I erased the text and put it in my pocket.

The door opened. "I told you to be here at 12 and not a minute later!!" 

"It's 12:02..." I said giggling.

"Are you more than a minute later?"

"Yes." I slumped down my head and walked into te room like a zombie starring at the floor. I could hear her laugh and then close the door. Still looking at the floor and walking...

"Oh Dan look ou-" I heard then -BLAM- I fell to the floor. "Look out for the book shelf" She finshed off her sentence running over to pick me up.

"Gee thanks for the fair warning." 

"I know right." She smiled and looked into my eyes. 

For a second everything froze. My heart started to race. I looked into her beautiful green eyes. My palms were starting to get clammy. Oh god. I like her.


He was looking straight into my eyes. It was quiet for what seemed like hours. He was gazing into my eyes. Oh god does he know I like him. Not even just as a fan just like in general.

"Oh." *hmmhhhh* "We- we should uhhh, watch the movie now?" I broke the silence *Phew* dodged a bullet there. 

He shook his head hold his hand where he had banged his head. "Umm yeah I'll put it in."

"I'll get the snacks!" I said wondering off into the kitchen.

I grabbed the peanut and cookies from the plain, and thankfully my mom gave me some chips (crisps) in my carry on and maltesers. I love them! She gave me a party pack of 'em too! I knew Dan licked them too so it was a perfect choice.

I ran and plopped down on the couch. 

"Hey, that was my spot!" He say crossing his arms.

"Oh soooo sorry Dan." I said playfully and scooted over and patted down on the couch cushion to show for him to sit down next to me. We talked a lot. We have a lot in common!! Once the movie started we laughed together at some parts but other than that, we were just mindlessly babbling on about our lives. He talked about living in Manchester and I told him about Boston.

The movie ended and we had nothing to do. It was about 2 A.M. here and it was about 9 or 10 P.M. in Boston.

"Hey can I skype a friend for a few minutes?"

"Oh yeah sure, where's the toliet?" He asked.

"I pointed down the hall to the toliet he walked off and closed the door. I opened up my laptop and launched skype. Bonney was online and without hesitation she video called me within seconds.

"So, where's 'Dan'?" She said jokefully putting air quotes around his name.

"He's in the toliet, he'll be out soon."

"You might as well stop kidding now."

"I'm not kidding" I crossed my arms and pouted. "You'll see."

"Whatever you say Nessy." (Bonney called me Nessy and I called her Bon Bon) 

I heard a flush and then the door came open.

"Who's that?" Bonney asked  over the video-obviously she heard the toliet or something.


"Yeeeeaaaaah okay."

I looked over to Dan and rolled my eyes. He came behind me and said: 

"Oh who's this?" He giggled, he realised what had happened.

"OH GOD! NESSY!!!! You weren't kidding!!!!!" She practically screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Ha ha told you." 

"Okay then...-" Dan paused, he pointed tot he screen (to Bonney) motioning that he wanted something.

"Oh yeah! Dan this is Bonney. Her nickname is Bon Bon." I said.

"Ohhhh kaye then Bon Bon, well Vanessa needs to go now." Dan said.

"Awww but- but why?" I said whinning like a five year old.

He smirked and looked at me. Bonney  got the wrong idea right away.

"Okay I see you two need some alone time." She ended the call and went offline before I could even react.

"Oh great." Dan said face palming.

I singed into twitter and me and Dan tweeted back a forth for a minute.

And there was so many comments about 'Dan's new main squeeze' I especially like the one that say "Dan + Vanessa = left out Phil" It made us both giggle even though we suddenly realised what just happened.

We turned to each other and Laughed "We just started a shit-storm!!" We laughed so much. Finally Dan said:

"Okay well it's almost 3 maybe I should go home and sleep."

"If you want you can just stay here for tonight." I said. Oh god was he going tho think I'm a weird fan girl?

"Okay,-" He said but he paused. I looked at him to wait for the rest of his sentence to run off his tounge. "But you have to promise to make me pancakes and bacon tomorrow morning."

"Ha ha deal." I shook his hand. I went off to find some spare sheets and pillows. I had a guest room so he didn't have to sleep on the couch.

"Night Mr. Howell." I said giggling like a weird school girl.

"Night." He said as I closed the oor I could hear him start to laugh a bit.

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