Chapter 20 - Omg Dan! You didn't!

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Yes!! We're at the long awaited chapter 20! It's probably going to be short as I first publish it because it's about 10 on a school night and I need sleep. So it's most likely not going to be fully finished when I first publish it. So hope you like it! :D


I woke about 10:15 so I got up and decided to go and get breakfast. I didn't expect Dan to be up. He always slept in. Or most of the time. Once I got downstairs surprisingly Dan was there. Wide awake and getting breakfast ready. 

"Hey man, miracle you're up this early."

"Yeah, Ness is having some problems so I thought I'd just make her breakfast."

"Oh what's the matter? Is she okay?"

"Uh, she just got a call last night that wasn't to nice."

"Like what?"

"Her mum passed."

"Oh- T-tell her I'm sorry, and if she needs anything-"

"Okay, Umm, is it alright if I just stay in bed all day today. You know like a lazy day?"

"Yeah dude that's perfectly fine take all the time you need. I think I'll go hang out with PJ and Chris today anyways." I said while pouring cereal into my bowl.

"Okay, tell me when you go. K?"

"Kk, I shoulod leave around lunch. On my way back I might stop by the shop. Need or want anyhthing?"

"Eh, just some Maltesers."

"Oh, should've known!" I said flicking his hair. 

"Okay I'm off dude. See ya later." Dan said walking back into his room with breakfast in his hands.

"k!" I eat as much cereal as my stomach could manage and I called PJ.

"Hey, can I hang with you and Chris today?"

"Definatially! We've missed ya."

"Yeah I'm loved" I laughed.

"Where's Dan, is he coming too?" PJ asked curiously.

"Um, nah he's gonna chill with vanessa today She had a rough night lastnight."

"Oh okay, hope she feels better or what ever is wrong. I just hope she's smiling again."

"Yeah  me too, I'm a bit worried about her though, she seems....strange to me. I dunno maybe it's just me. I mean she's cool and all but yeah."

"I got the same vibe. I guess. We'll talk about it later. See you when you get here."

"K." I hung up and ran to go get changed.


I shut the door and rested the breakfast on my dresser top and slowly walked towards the bed. I gently moved Vanessa a bit.

"Ness, Ness. Can you wake up please you need to eat something."

"Huh." She sat up rubbing her eyes.

"Breakfast you need to eat, or you'll literally be skin and bones."

"Eh, I'm not hingry."

"Ness you got to eat. You only at one meal yesterday."

"I'll eat I promise." She took me by the hand and gave me a peck on the cheek.


"Promise." She nodded.

"Good, so what's the schedual for today? Phil's gona for most of the day so? We're just gonna sleep and eat?"

"Sounds like a plan to me." She saidlaying back down.

You gotta remember me, right? (Danisnotonfire Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz