Chapter 17 - Meeting Phil, and a surprising guest.

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I sat watching TV. Me and Vanessa didn't have breakfast today. It was almost 1:30 We had to eat soon. Maybe we should wait and when we pick up Phil we can go and get food. That sounds good. If we get hungry we could nibble on Maltesers and chocolate popcorn. I guess.

I couldn't help but be happy. Vanessa was in my arms. At the same time I was pretty freaking mad and depressed right now too. Ness told me everything about herself, and I mean everything. I was happy that she trusted e enough to tell me all that. It emotionally drained her too, I could tell. She fell asleep a little while ago. I got up and got her a cover. I put her on the other side of the couch and sat down but she just rolled over back onto my chest. I didn't mind. I liked it. 

I was still mad though. My brain keeps side tracking me from the conversation between us earlier. Well, not really a converstion just her talking. But that's besides the point I can't belive someone treated her like that. It's just not right!

Suddenly I remembered something from earlier. I could've sworn I saw Vanessa throw something to the floor before I came and sat by her.

I got up slowly and restedher gently on the arm of the couch. I tip toed towards the bathroom. I searched the floor. After a while I came across a razor blade.

Was she going to cut her self? She never told me anything about cutting. Did she used to? Was she about to?

All of a sudden rage flushed throught my entire body. I wasn't mad at her. More like the fact she was going to harm herself, and that someone else had led her to do it too. 

I ran into the lounge -completely forgetting about being careful to not wake her up- I gripped her arm -not harshly just fast- I turned it over a searched I found a few scarrs. Not many on her left., but a bunch on her right. How come I've never noticed these?

She woke up as I was looking at her arms.

"D-Dan? What are you doing?" She pulled her arm down.

"What is this? Why was it on the bethroom floor next to where you were sitting earlier? Where you going to harm yourself?"

"I-I was, but that was only because I was taken back by all the bad thoughts and- I, I- I just needed a quick escape."

"A quick escape? Why didn't you just wake me?"

"I-I don't know I guess I coulodn't think straight."

"Next time don't hesitate to wait to even think about that. Talk to me. Okay." I said trying not to shout.

"Okay." She looked down at the floor and a single tear ran down her cheek.

Great now I feel like a dick!

"Look, I'm sorry it's just that the thought of you hurting yourself because some idiot wanted to toy with your feelings. It just frustrated me. I guess I just couldn't control my anger. I'm so sorry."

"I got to go get ready." She didn't even look at me she just walked to my room and locked te door.

"Vanessa! You're not mad at me are you?" I called out slumping down on the couch.

I heard no response.



I locked the door. I ran to the bed. Yes I did cry into the pillow. Call me a drama queen cry baby whatever but Dan shouting at  me really upset me. Sure he was doing it out of love but still. It kinda scared me that he would get so mad over that.

Well it was a pretty big deal, but yeah I don't know.

I decided to unlock the door and start to get changed out of my clothes.

You gotta remember me, right? (Danisnotonfire Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora