The Snake Charmer

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The snake charmer - he went to the barn house.
He went there to find snakes to charm today.
He searched and looked but found only a mouse.
Thus he frowned and would search no more this day.

Tomorrow he will try a different place
Hoping to find some snakes to charm away.
Won't lose hope 'til he finds one face to face.
And if he fails he'll try another day.

This snake charmer, he will trust his own heart,
And come back as much as he needs to come.
For once the charmer tries to make a start,
He will stick to it like a certain hum.

And one day, when the snake charmer succeeds,
He will be as happy as birthday boys.
He would charm snakes until trees grow from seeds.
For charming, he loves more than kids love toys.

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