The One

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The most intolerable feeling in the world
Is consciousness when it discovers
That the one is not the one.
It is as if hidden shackles reveal
From parts unknown
To restrict and clench control.
What was once done freely
Is now blocked off completely
As if an invisible prison showed itself
After long-term hallucinating.

But it is not all negative
Because of the strength it gives.
The marks left by the shackles
May remain forever and all your life,
But the vigor it took to lift their weight
Will ensure the vitality they provide.
And the pain will eventually subside.

There may come a time when they release you
From the grasp of their chains.
The marks of their hold will remain true,
But so will the strength you gained
From fighting through the pain
Of their clasping memories.
You will be able to stretch your arms free
Because you will remember that
If the one was not the one,
Then you never lost the one
To begin with.

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