My Delight

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You're not beautiful;
You're alright.
You are cute,
and you've got a pretty smile,
but I still love the way you look.
Let's not dwell on that tonight.
What you are is much more.
You aren't just your gorgeous eyes;
You're a burst of energy
that bounces on your toes
every time I see you in flight.
You are that giddy laugh
that you try to hide
behind dainty hands
covered in paint
from that time you tried
abstract expressionist twilight.
You are not your cute button nose.
You are that temper that flares
a little too easily
when you get scared
for someone of whom you care.
You are that boisterous dance
you do even when no music plays,
leaving me in a wide eyed trance
while you prance from the wall to my lap.
You are not beautiful,
but are beauty when it's too full
from stuffing your face with cake.
And that is my delight.

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