Alternate Ending

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Mia POV-

"Mia, are you ready to go down?" My auntie Catie rushes in the room, with her husband-my uncle-Rocky.

"Hold on a sec." I nod, as I put my earrings in.

"Chloe, Mallory, Tori, Addison, Paige, let's go!" My parents also rushes in the room.

But then look at me, and smile.

"Sweetie, you look so beautiful." My mom fans her eyes.

I smile, "Thank you."

"I can't believe my little girl is getting married." Dad smiles sadly.

"Daddy," I walk over and hug him tightly.

"Mia! We have to go, now!" Aunt Court demands, grabbing a hold of Paige's and Addison's hands. They're the flower girls and Zac is the ring bearer.

Addison is 7, and the twins are 9.

"My 24 year old daughter is getting married, my 20 year old son's girlfriend is pregnant, and my 16 year old daughter is getting her license this year. What the hell?!" Mom explains with a tear rolling down her face, then a laugh.

My dad laughs, before we all line up, and the others go sit down.

After all the bridesmaids and groomsmen walk down, the flower girls and ring bearer do.

It went,

Mallory and Mason, they're the bridesmaid and best man.

Chloe(17) and Ethan(15.)

Then Tori(19,) Ben(12,) and Romeo(14.)

"Daddy, I just want to let you know, I will always always love you." I whisper.

"Darling," he pauses, and hooks my arm to his, "I will always love you too, and I'm so glad you always put up a fight, other wise you wouldn't be here."

The 'Here Comes The Bride,' starts playing, and my dad and I start walking down.

I get up to the stage thingy and hold hands with Jax Miller, my Fiancés, or soon to be husband.

"We are gathered here today for the marriage of Mia Marie Lynch and Jax Lester Miller." The priest starts.

"Speak now or forever hold your peace."

I laugh, and sit down.

I breathe, "woah, that was really fun." I say to my mom.

"But a lot of dancing."

"You aren't that old." I roll my eyes playfully.

"After three kids, no matter what age, you think you're old." Mom laughs, as Dad walks over.

"Time for the father, daughter dance." He holds out his hand, and I take it.

Gil, who is Mini Ryland, turns on the song. He's our cousin, and Ryland taught him how do DJ.

"Where's Jax?" Dad asks, as we start dancing.

"Haven't seen him since I danced with him, why?"

"Just a weird feeling, you know." He doesn't look into my eyes.

"Daddy, tell me what's on your mind." Gosh I feel like a therapist. Must be from my mom.

"This girl named Savannah was flirting with me at mine and your mother's wedding. She kissed me, and you mother saw and thought I was cheating on her." He explains.

"Awe, I didn't know. I'm sorry." I hug him.

The song ends, so we stop dancing, and Gil puts on another song, and my aunts and uncles come out.

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