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Pretty much the last chapter, but I'll be doing two more chapter like things.

Nine Months Later-

Rydel POV-

Our last concert.. Ever...

I have a surprise for everyoneeeee, I'm pregnant! About one month..

Emily had her baby about three months ago.

The baby girl's name is; Mallory Marie Lynch.

All Riker and Emily's kids' initials are the same.


Mia Marie Lynch,
Mason Mark Lynch,
and Mallory Marie Lynch.

"Rydel, come on sweetie." Ratliff pulls me over to our little circle.

"It ends here." Riker starts,

"We haven't forgot." I say.

"We've got," Ross says.

"To the top." Rocky adds, as Catie, Emily, and the moms video tape.

"Here's to our last." Ratliff sniffles.

"Ready Set Rock." We all yell.

"Holy shit, I'm crying." I fan my eyes, with my hands.

"Mommy." Tori looks at me sternly.

"Sorry." I cheekily smile to my four year old.

"Daddy!" Chloe runs up to Rocky, as Mason does the same with Riker.

"Have a good show." Mason smiles, and Chloe nods.

They both give their kids a kiss, before running on the stage.

"Have a good show, babe." Court kiss Ross.

"Let's go, yeah?" Ratliff and I grab hands, before rushing on stage,

Here's to our last, Ready Set Rock.

"Hello!" I call, and the fans yell.

"This is our very last show." Ross says sadly.

"We would like to thank our parents." Riker points to them.

"Andre!" Riker points to our manager.

"Our families!" The kids start cheering from back stage.

"And let's not forget about you!" Riker points to the audience.

"One, two, three!" Ratliff counts, and we start playing Forget About You.


"We have two more songs for you." Rocky speaks.

"Look At Us Now." Ratliff comments.

"And Ready Set Rock." Ross adds.

"Two years in the golden state..."

Emily POV-

Well that was it. The last R5 concert I will ever get to see.

The bus went to a halt,

Home... Sweet home...

"HEY! We're finally home! Let's go swimming!" Mason suggests.

"Yeah sure, whatever. Go ask Catie and Rocky." He disappeared from the living room, but then comes back.

"They're kissing." He groans, covering his eyes.

"Go ask Auntie Rydel." I shoo him off.

He runs out the bus, then a couple minutes later he comes back in.

"Let's go crazy people!"

We laugh, as Will and the others get our bags out.

"Thanks guys!" I nod my head, and grab my bag with the hand that wasn't holding Mallory.

Rocky runs off the bus, with Chloe struggling to follow.

"Daddy!" The two year old tried rush off the bus.

Rocky chuckles, "come here baby." Rocky holds out his arms, and Chloe comes running into them.

"Ha." Chloe pauses, and looks back at Catie who now just got off the bus.

"Daddy woves me more." Chloesticks out her tongue at Catie, who was pretending to be pissed off.

I laugh, as I sit there in the drive way, and watch them.

"My daddy." Catie teases her daughter.

"MY DADDY." Chloe gets angry.

"My. Daddy." Catie stomps her foot.

Chloe gets out of Rocky's arms and jumps once, madly, "MY DADDY!!" She screeches.

"Okay, okay. Your daddy." Catie kisses her daughter and husband's head, before getting their stuff.


"CANNONBALL." Ryland jumps in with all the kids.

"Hey! Don't get my baby wet!" Lori suddenly walks through the door, talking about Mallory.

"Lori!" Rydel, Catie, and I gasp and hug her.

"Can I please see Mallory?" Lori pleads.

"Of course." I give her Mallory, before sitting down.

"Daddy! Throw me!" Mason demands Riker.

"I just did it 10 times." Riker groans.

"One more time?" Mason begs.

"That's what you said about the last nine!"

I love my family.

Family is everything. My family is everything. We fight for each other, no matter what. When Riker was saying Since I Lost You, he still loved me.
I love my family, and always will.

This is Since I Lost You.


10 votes and 4 comments, or I won't update the last chapters.

Suckish last chapter, I know. But the next special chapter is better. I promise.

See you soon.:)

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