Chapter-36 New Couple?

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S/O to CrazyStupidLove28 cause she gave me some ideas! ALSO GO READ MY NEW BOOK! It's called 'Could've Been Mine.' It's also for CrazyStupidLove28
Catie POV-

It's been a couple days since mine and Rocky's kiss. And I cannot stop thinking about it. I mean I even forgot about Ross cheating on me. Well now I remembered but, I usually forget:)

His lips are so soft. Ugh! And he's pretty hot if I say so myself. 

Rocky POV-

Why can't I stop thinking about Catie! Yeah, she's beautiful. She has soft lips, and she's a cuddlier. Which is good cause other wise. The door is that way>

"Rocky! Rocky!" Ross snaps me out of my thoughts.

"What the hell do you want?" I ask annoyed. I'm still pretty pissed at him, since he cheated on Catie.

"I want you to stay away from Catie. I heard you spent the night at her house a couple nights ago. She's mine. Not yours!" Ross starts to yell.

"She's not yours anymore! When you cheated on her! Damn it Ross! She deserves to be happy!" I yell back.

"BUT I LOVE HER!" Ross screeched, and punched me in the gut.

"WELL MAYBE SHE LOVES ME NOW!" I yell, but don't punch him or hit him.

He doesn't answer, he just sits on the couch, and sighs.

"I screwed up so much, man." He rubs his head, and sighs again.

"Think she'll take me back?" Ross asks, and looks up.

"No. You hurt her a lot Ross, and now she likes me." I explain, and back away from him.

"I guess I did hurt her a lot..."

"You did hurt me a lot, Ross." I look to find Catie.

I go over and hug her. "I need to talk to you." She whispers. I nod, and bring her to my room. So Ross can't hear.

We both sit in my bed.

"So what's up?" I ask, and look at her.

"About that kiss the other day..." She doesn't look at me. "What about it?" I question.

"Well, I like you. And do you like me?"

"Of course I like you, Rocky. You're so sweet." Catie smiles, and I smile back.

"Catie Olsen. Will you please be my girlfriend?" I ask hopefully, and stand up.

She stands up also, "of course I will, Rocky Lynch." She smirks, and wraps her arms around my neck.

I wrap my arms around her waist, and once again.




Emily POV-

"DADDY!" Mia runs through the house, trying to find Riker. Mia and I had officially moved into Riker's house.

"Where's Daddy?" I ask her, as she runs through the kitchen.

"I don't know?" She shrugs, and turns to run around the house again. I was cooking dinner, while Mia and Riker play hide and seek.

I guess Mia found him, because she started squealing like crazy.

Mia and Riker walk in, hand-in-hand.

"Mia, did you find Daddy?"

She nods, and makes Riker pick her up. She starts poking his face, and tries picking his nose, but he moves her hand.

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