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Everyone is up top^

Emily POV-

"Hi Mommy." My daughter greets me.

Riker was talking to the doctor. He still hates me, by the way.

"Darling, are you alright?" I walk over and hug her.

"Yes, mommy. But I don't-" she was cut off my herself, throwing up.

"Mommy. Why is this happening to me?" She cried into my chest.

"Awe, baby." I kiss her head, praying to switch places with her.

"You'll get through this." I whisper, right before Riker walks in.

"Okay, my turn." Riker demands me.

I roll my eyes, before kissing Mia's head and walking to the waiting room.

"Hey." I smile and sit next to Rydel, but she doesn't respond. She just rolls her eyes, before heading to the Cafeteria.

"Mommy!" Mason yells, as he runs towards me. I pick him up and set him on my lap.

"How are you?!"

"Good. I missed you." He answers and lays his head on my chest.

"I missed you too, buddy." I kiss his head.

He gets off my lap and runs to Tori, while Catie comes over with Chloe.

"So, Riker told all of us, that you kissed Timmy." Catie exclaims.

"Tommy." I correct her.

"Whatever." She snaps.

"And he came up behind me and whispered 'guess who?' While covering my eyes, and he smelled like pizza and the cologne Riker wears. I thought it was him!" I whisper yell, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"That's a good excuse." Someone says from behind me, I look. Rydel.

"Rydel, it's true."

"It's true." She mimics me, before sitting down next to Ellington.

"Why are you being such a bitch today?!" I snap at the girl who is supposed to believe me.

"Why am I the bitch? You're the one who was stupid enough to kiss someone else!" Rydel raises her voice, and stands up, then I stand up.

"Stop you two!" Courtney pauses, and gets up.

"You're best friends. And you're fighting in a fucking hospital, when someone very close to us is sitting on a hospital bed, throwing up blood, cause she has cancer!" Courtney yells.

"Rydel, I didn't know it was Tommy. I thought it was Riker!"

"Kay, whatever." She sits back down next to Ell, who was sleeping.


Stormie, Mark, and my mom left with everyone except Riker, and Mia obviously. Mason is staying with Ryland and Savannah. Since Rydel hates me.

"Mrs. Lynch, may I talk to you?" The doctor asks me, as I watch my daughter and husband sleep.

"Of course." I respond before following him into the hall, then to his office.

"I'm just gonna get straight to the point." He pauses.

"Mia has leukemia, and she's so close to stage three. But not quite. If you will sign these papers, she can start chemo. We have to have you sign these cause she's not an adult yet. The side affects include; drowsiness, weakness, and vomiting. So, here are the papers. Your husband already signed it, but you need to sign it also."

He hands me the papers. Riker already signed the fucking papers without talking to me first? What the hell. I'll have to have a talk with him.

I sigh, as I sign the papers.

"There you go." I slid the papers back to him.

"Can I go now?" I asked angrily. I need to talk to Riker.

"Yes." He shows me to the door, and I practically run out it.

Rocky POV-

"Hey, baby cakes." I sit down next to Catie.

"Hey, Rock."

"What's wrong, baby?" I wrap my arms around her.

"I'm so tired. Chloe has been keeping me up all night. I need sleep." She groans.

She's not used to not sleeping in days. I'm used to it, cause when we touring I barely have time to sleep. I'm either working, performing, or I'm jet lagged.

"Well Chloe is sleeping right now, let's take a nap?" I suggest, and pick her up.

"Rocky, I can walk up the stairs myself." She states, trying to slip out of my grip.

"Well, I'm carrying you."

I gently set her on our bed, and hop next to her.

"Kiss?" She puckers her lips.

"Of course." I give her lips a peck, before wrapping my arms around her.

"Can we sleep till Chloe wakes up?" Catie asks me, as she cuddles closer to me.

I kiss her head before responding with a yes, then I fall asleep.


Sorry it's short! I'll probably update both books tomorrow!

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