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I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while! I've been on vacation. I met Chloe Lukasiak, and I went to Wisconsin! Here's chapter/29!

Emily POV-

I walk into the doctors, with Catie following behind me. Riker, and Rydel couldn't come because they had to go to the studio. Mom had to work.

"Emily Olsen." I say to the girl, working at the counter.

It's been about a month since Riker and I told everyone that I'm pregnant. Everyone is helping, and their being really thoughtful.

"Take a seat, and we'll call your name when the doctor is ready." She explains, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I take a seat, and Catie sits next to me. "So, how did management take the news that Riker is going to be a father?" Catie asks as we wait.

"Not very well. They were explaining to us that we're to young to have kids, especially since Riker is some what famous. Andre even said if the media finds out its Riker's kid, Riker will have to quit R5." I explain, as Catie looks more and more shocked.

"I don't really like Andre." She implies.

"I don't really like you either." We turn around to find Andre. "Oh, heyyy Andre." Catie greets, nervously.

"Yeah, hi." Andre walks away, what a butt face.

"Oops." Catie laughs, before a nurse calls my name.

Catie and I both stand up, and follow the nurse.

"Okay you're going to have to lift your shirt up half way." The nurse starts explaining to me, what is going to happen in the ultrasound.

I do as told, and the doctor walks in.

"Hey girls." He smiles, and sits next to the bed I was laying in.

"I'm guessing you're Emily's little sister..?" The doctor asks, as he gets the machine ready.

Catie nods, as the doctor rubs the cold gel on my stomach.

"Okay, so you're about a six weeks pregnant.." He explains to me.

I nod. "So, it looks like your baby is very healthy! And has a good heart."


"Can we please go to 'In and Out'?" I ask my sixteen year out sister, who was driving out of the parking lot of the hospital.

"Sure." She rolls her eyes, grumpy much.

"What's your problem." I spat, as we start pulling in to the fast food restaurant.

"Nothing! I just really hope you're not a bitch when you become more pregnant." Catie explains, pulling up the the drive through.

She quickly orders for me, and doesn't get anything. "Why didn't you get anything?" I ask, as she takes my food from the worker.

"Because we ate before your appointment." She states. I roll my eyes, "Can you just drop me off at home?" I ask.

She ignores me, but goes with the plan.

"Bye." She mumbles, as I get out of the car. "Bye," I smile, just to make her mad.

She scoffs, and pulls out of the drive way.

I roll my eyes, and bring my food inside.

"Riker!!" I call through the house, no answer.

Ugh, he said he'd be back by now! I check my phone to see what time it was; 5:30. Not that late.

I hop on the couch, and wait for him to show up.


It's about 11:30, and by now Rydel was waiting for him with me. They were all at the studio! How could Rydel leave, and not him.

And I know I sound like a crazy fiancé, but I'm worried.

"I want food." I mumble, and hop up to the kitchen.

I open the pantry, huh. Great, no food.

"RYDEL IM STARVING AND I HAVE NO FOOD." I yell throughout the house.

"I'll go pick you up some stuff from a gas station." She picks up her keys, and walks out.

I try calling Riker, for the 25th time, and once again. No answer.

Rydel soon comes back, and I eat the food she bought.

"Thanks again." I take another bite of my sandwich.

"No problem." She smiles.

"You're staying the night." I command, as she laughs at the tv show that was on.

"I'm going to bed." I say, after a couple minutes. I go upstairs, and brush my teeth and get ready for bed.

Rydel does the same, and she goes to her room in the house, and I go to mine.

"Night Rydel!" I yell, "Night Emily!"

And I go to bed, pissed off at Riker.


In the morning, I woke up with Rydel shaking me awake. "What." I spat, and rub my eyes.

"Riker cooked you food." I hop out of bed, and brush my teeth, and throw my hair up.

I was about to go down the stairs as fast as I could- cause you know, I wanted food- but than I remembered I'm mad at Riker.

I walk very slowly down the stairs, and into the kitchen.

"Morning." Riker goes in for a kiss, but I move my head, and walk to the table.

"Where were you last night?" I ask, and take a bite out of a pancake.

"Out with my brothers, what's the problem with that?"

"The problem was that, I called you about 30 times, and you didn't answer to tell me where you were. Rydel and I were worried." I explain.

"Do you need to know where I'm at 24/7?" He snaps, as Rydel walks into the kitchen.

"Out." He demands, and points to the living room, where the door is.

Rydel runs out, crying. I scoff, and look at him. "Did you really just make your little sister, my best friend, cry?" I snap at him, I was so pissed he kicked her out.

"Yeah, I did. Because this is our fight. Not hers."

"It wouldn't even be a fight if you would just have called me! To let me know your okay! Dammit Riker I thought you got in an accident!"

"Just shut up okay! I didn't call you! What's the big deal?!" He yells.

"First don't fucking tell me to shut up! Second, you didn't even ask how my appointment was for my child!" I yell, I don't know why I hadn't run off with Rydel. This yelling is causing stress on both, the baby and I.

His face softens, at the fact that I brought up our child. He opened his mouth to talk, but I beat him to it.

"I'm going to stay at my Moms house, whether you like it or not."

With that, I run off, going after Rydel.


Their first official fight! Wow.

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