Chapter-31 Wedding Ruins

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About two months later-

Emily POV-

"Ow!" I whine, as Rydel pulls my hair, with a comb.

"Stay still, maniac." Rydel demands, and pulls out the curling iron.

Today is my wedding day. We are having the wedding earlier, before I get fat, from being pregnant.

Rydel has a new friend. Her name is Savannah Latimer. I know she doesn't like me, and I know she likes Riker.

And I don't know if she's gonna be here today. I hope not.

"So, I hope you don't mind. But I invited Vanni." Rydel explains, snapping me out of my thoughts. Vanni is Savannah Latimer.

I guess she's coming.. Great..

I put a fake smile on my face, "That's fine."

She nods, and continues to do my hair.

"Whose the flower girl? And ring barrier?" Lucy asks, popping out of nowhere.

"Rydel's cousins, Beauty, and Gator." I explain, and look down. I really don't want Vanni to be here. It's my day, not hers, or Rydel's.

"Um, Rydel.. Can I ask you a question?" I ask, nervous as hell.

"What?" She asks, and examines my hair.

"Why did you invite Vanni? Without asking me?"

"Because I thought you liked her!"

"Well, I know, you know, that she likes Riker. So don't fucking lie to me Rydel Lynch!" My tone of voice, getting higher.

Her face softens, and she doesn't answer me. She examines my hair, once again. Then motions me to stand up.

I stand up, as the rest of the girls, counting Stormie and my mom, walks in.

"Oh, you look beautiful." My mom compliments.

I smile, and walk to the full length mirror. "Thank you.."

"Are you rea- oh girls you all look so beautiful." Mark compliments.

We all smile. "Ready?" Mark asks. I nod, and grab his arm.


I couldn't look when Riker and Stormie went down.

Lori, Ellington, and Alexa walk down to aisle first. Ellington was in the middle of the two girls.

Lucy and Ryland, then walk down.

Catie, and Ross.

Then Rydel, and Rocky. The bridesmaid, and the best man.

Right before me, Beauty and Gator walk down, Beauty throwing the petals, and Gator carrying the rings.

Now mine, and Mark's turn.

The 'Here Comes The Bride' song comes on, and everyone stands up from their seats.

I look in the crowd, and the first face I see is Savannah Latimer. Great.

She smirks at me, but I look at Rydel instead.

We make eye contact, but I quickly look down. She's my best friend, and invited my enemy, that practically loves my soon to be husband.

Whatever, back to the point. I'm getting married.

"Thank you Mark.." I smile, and Riker helps me up the couple steps.

Mark sits down.

Riker and I take hands.

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