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3 months later-

Emily POV-

It was a dark day. It was rainy, and sad. Know one wanted California sad. But today was one of the day's California cried, more like bawled.

"Mommy. I don't wanna do this anymore." Mia says to me, snapping me out of thought, as she gets her chemo done, from a nice nurse.

"I'm almost done, Mia." The nurse says.

"I lost all my hair, and I never feel good." Mia cries, as the nurse gets done.

"Thank you." I say to the nurse, as she walks out.

"Mommy! Are you listening?!" Mia snaps at me.

"Yes, I'm listening." I carry her out to the car, and put her in the backseat.

"My hair is all gone, and I'm not pretty anymore." Mia states, without a tear rolling down her face.

"Baby, you're beautiful." I tell her, as we pull in the drive way.

"No I'm not." She argues, as I carry her inside.

"Riker! Tell Mia she's beautiful." I demand Riker, as I set Mia down next to him on the couch.

Which the couch, was my bed. Since Riker is still pretty pissed off. But we don't argue as much about it.

"Who said you aren't beautiful?" Riker questions, pulling Mia on his lap.

"I'm gonna go get Mason from my Mom's." I tell Riker, before walking out the door.

Riker POV-

"Who said you aren't beautiful?" I repeat.


"Why would you say that?"

"Because, I don't have any hair on my head. And my eyebrows are gone!! And I have cancer, Daddy! I'm weak, and frail. And I could give up any second of the day I wanted, but I don't! Because I wanna see the day, where you and Mommy kiss all the time, and love each other! If Mommy says she thought that guy was you, then she really means it! I know she loves you, and I know you love her!! So love each other!"

"Wow." I pause, "I never thought my eight year old daughter was smarter than me." I kiss her head.

"Offensive." Mia mutters, as Emily walks in.

"Go kiss her you fool." Mia hops off my lap, and I get up and walk to Emily.

"Mason, please go play." I command my four year old son.

"Follow me." I grab my wife's hand, and pull her up to our room.

"What's this about?" Emily asked, annoyed.

I then explain to her what Mia had said to me.

"Wow." Emily has the same expression I did.

"I still love you." I blurt, without looking her in the eye.

"And I still love you." Emily rests a hand on my cheek.

"Give me a kiss." I pucker my lips, and she kisses them.

"I need more then a kiss." I whisper.

"Weellll. We are in our ro-" Emily was cut off.

"Mommy! It's Mia!" We hear Mason yell through the house.

No no no no. She's not giving up now.

Emily and I race down the stairs, and see Mia throwing up blood.

"She hasn't done this since we first found out she had cancer." Emily whisper to me.

"Mia, honey. We have to get you to the hospital." I speak to my eight year old, before picking her up.

"I don't wanna go back there!" Mia kicks and screams, as I take her to the car.

"Just let me die already! I'm sick enough! The cancer got worse! Not
Better! I don't wanna do this anymore!" She screeches, as I buckle her up.

"We are not giving up on you, Mia Marie Lynch! We love you, and we do not want to see a world without you!" I yell to my daughter, and we drive too the hospital.

Emily is in her car with Mason, and she called everyone.

Mia doesn't say anything, she just looks out the window.

"Goodbye house. Goodbye beach. Goodbye everything." I hear Mia silently speak. We pull into a parking spot.

"Mia, stop. You aren't dying today. You'll make it through this, darling." I stroke her head, and pick her up.

"I love you daddy." She whispers, before laying her head on my shoulder.

"I love you too princess." I say to her, as we meet Emily and Mason in the hospital lobby.

"I already checked her in." Emily says to me, before to grabs Mia.

"Mommy, I love you. Tell Chloe, and Tori, and Auntie Rydel, and everyone else I love them too." I hear Mia say to Emily.

"I love you too, sweetie. I will tell them."

"Daddy?!" Mason tugs on my shorts.

"Yes, Mase?" I asked my four year old son.

"Why are we here? I don't like it here." Mason tells me.

"I don't like it here ether, Mase." Mia speaks to him.

"Mia Lynch?" A nurse comes out.

"Abby!" Mia runs towards Abby, her nurse.

"Hi sweetie. I heard you threw up? What color was it?" Abby is a very nice nurse, and she gives Mia her chemo.

"It was red. It was blood." Mia answers the nurse.

"Can we do some tests on you?" Abby asks, as the family walks in.

"Yes you can. Can I say Hi to my family first?"

"Of course."

"Hi Grandma!" Mia jumps in my Mom's arms.

"Sweetheart, why are you so hyper? You just thew up?" Christi questions.

"Who knows?" Mia shrugs, as she hugs everyone else.

"I'm going to take some tests, soooooo. Love you guys!" Mia skips off with Abby.

Why is she so hyper? She just threw up blood?

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