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Emily POV-

"C'mon baby." Riker shakes me awake.

"Get away..!" I screech. We have to go back to damn school.

"Baby." Riker says firmly. I roll my eyes, and slowly get out of bed.

I hop in the shower, and get cleaned. Then I get ready, blow dry my hair, and get dressed.

Floral skirt, yellow long sleeve top, and flip flops. I but makeup on, and I put my hair in a ballerina bun.

I walk downstairs, to see Riker in skinny jeans, and a blue shirt, with his converse, making breakfast.

I hug him from behind, and watch him cook. "You smell good." Riker giggles, as he sniffs the air around me. "I think it's just the bacon." I smile, and walk over to the island, and sit down.

He hands me a plate with bacon, pancakes, and fruit on it, then sits down next to me.

"So ready to go back to school?" I ask, before taking a bite of bacon.

"Honestly, No. I don't wanna have to take anymore damn tests." Riker states.

"But we're going to graduate!" I giggle, and take a bite out of fruit.

After eating, I grab my bag, and purse. Then get in Riker's blue jeep.

After five minutes of waiting for Riker, I stomp into the house.

"RIKERRRR!" I yell. He runs down the steps, and picks me up, then runs to the jeep.

"What was that for?" I ask, and buckle up. "There was someone in the house." He whispers.

Then, I start to hear a movement from the trunk. "Riker." I whisper, so softly, I could barely here myself.

"I heard it too.." He whispers, in the same tune of voice. I look back, and I saw a little bit of a head, in a hat..

"Shit, Riker stop the damn car." I demand. Luckily, we were right in front of the Lynch's house.

I jump out of the car, with Riker following. Then I go to the back, and open the trunk.

"WHAT THE HELL ROCKY!" I screech, and punch him. He was laughing.

"FUCK YOU ROCKY." Riker screams.


"Who was in our house?" Riker asks, as Rocky stops laughing.

"It was Ryland." Rocky states. Ryland comes running down the street. I don't even bother talking to him, I get in the car. Same with Riker.

"I guess we're taking Rocky to school... Right?" I ask, as Riker puts his hand on my thigh.

"Yep!" I hear Rocky, from the trunk. I roll my eyes, and stare out the window.

"Hey, they were just joking around." Riker's thumb goes around in a circle, on my thigh.

"What if someone was actually in the house, and in our car? Not just our family." I spat.

"I'm sorry Em!" Rocky yells form the back of the car. "Shut the fuck up Rocky." I snap, as we pull in to the parking lot of the school.

I storm into school angrily, and go to my locker.

Once I get to my class, I sit down. I get out my phone, and start texting Rydel. Since the bell hasn't rung yet.

Em- Hey Dells.
Del- Hey, are okay from Rocky and Ry?
Em- No, I was really scared Del.
Del- They pulled tht trick on me b4.
Em- Did you hear me swearing?
Del- YA. U scream loud.
Em- Well I have to shout it out from the roof top, don't I? ;)
Del- Of course:)
Em- Are you at school yet? I'm bored.
Del- I'm walking 2 History. B right there.

I don't answer, and I put my phone in my book bag. I hate when she abbreviates things on text.

Rydel soon gets here, and she sits by me.

"Where's Riker?" Rydel asks, as some more people start filing in.

"I ditched him, and Rocky at the car when we got here." I state, and pull out my journal.

She nods, and does the same. Lucy, Lori, and Alexa all got transferred into our schedules. So we are all in the same classes.

Right as the bell rings, the rest of our squad walks in.

"Welcome back class! I saw some of you on our little break, at funerals.." Mr. Alonso sniffs.

"I'm sorry, you all had to see, what you saw." He continued, looking at Catie.


After the school day ended, we all went to the Lynch's. The school day was filled with some crying, and no learning at all.

When Riker pulls into his parents' drive way, I look at my family's drive way, and see Catie doing acro. (It's a type of dance. It involves gymnastics.)

"Riker, you can go in. I'm gonna watch Catie." I say to Riker. He nods, before walking in, and Rydel walking out.

"Good grangetè!" (I don't know how to spell it^) Rydel calls.

Catie finished her dance, and jogs over to us. "Hey girls!" She smiles, and wipes the sweat off her forehead.

"That was amazing." I comment. I never really had gone to any of her competitions. But I knew she was a great dancer.

"Thank you." She smiles. "I can't believe you don't do anymore competitions!" Rydel says.

"I always get insecure when I go to competitions, so I decided to stop." Catie takes a drink out of her water.

"Can you do your Lyrical piece for me?" Rydel asks. "Of course."

Rydel puts on the music, and Catie starts dancing.

"WOAHH!" Catie, Rydel, and I turn to see the rest of the Lynch's, and Ell.

"What?" Catie asks, taking a drink. Her lyrical piece was awesome.

"You're amazing." Ellington comments.

"Amazing..? More like super amazing!" Ryland also comments.

"I can do your acro piece." Rocky challenges. "You'll hurt yourself, Rock." Catie implied.

"No, no. Let him try it." I smirk. I look at Riker, and he's smirking. Just like Rydel, also.

"Okay, probably the easiest is, you do a handstand, and do kind of a Egyptian move." Catie explains, and shows him.

He tries it but face plants.

She gives him some other instructions, and does another hand stand thing. But again face plants.

I look at Rydel, and she's filming the whole thing. I laugh, really obnoxiously. (The moves are up top!)

I guess Rocky "pulled" a muscle. But he didn't. His leg would be black and blue.

"Rocky, your just not used to it!" Catie laughs, and does another move.

"Yeah, whatever."


Long Chapter! Comment and vote!

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