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Outfits up top^^

Emily POV-

Riker. Riker. Riker. That's all I have in my mind when I'm asleep that night.

Maybe I'm falling for him again. I hear light little snores, coming from right next to me.

Aw. Even his snores are cute. Ryland was at the end of the bed, right next to our feet. He got scared of the dark.

Rydel and Catie were in one room, and Rocky, Ross, and Ratliff were in another. Sleeping away.

I slowly fall asleep.


I woke up in the morning, or should I say the afternoon. I woke up at 1:00 pm. Because I didn't go to bed till like 4:00am.

I walked downstairs, still in Riker's big shirt.

"Hi." I jump, and realize I'm not the only one in the house.

"Calm down, it's just me. The others are outside." The person says. Sounds like Riker.

It is his morning voice. I rub my eyes, and it is him. "Hi." I mumble.

"Well good morning to you to." He states. "BUT I LOVE YOUUU!" Someone yells running around outside.

I look to find Ross chasing after Catie. "I'm gonna get dressed." I state. I run upstairs, then take a quick shower.

I get ready, blow dry my hair, curl it, get dressed in a blue strapless summer dress.

I put some make up on, then put my black flats on.

"Well don't you just look fancy." I jump, once again. I turn to find Riker. Again.

"Damn it Rike. You gotta stop scarin the hell out of me." I state.

"Mmm. Betta not." He says in a British accent.

I roll my eyes playfully.

He grabs my hand, "C'mon were all going on a picnic." He states, as he pulls me outside.

Rydel and Catie were both wearing strapless dresses. The boys in skinny jeans, and some t-shirts.

"You look beautiful." Riker whispers, with his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Well isn't that just adorable." I hear Rydel whisper.

"Shut up." Riker and I both say. "Okay! I'm hungry! LETS GO!" Rocky yells.

Ryland grabs the basket. "C'mon! Stop sucking each other's faces!" Ratliff yells at Ross and Catie.

They stop.

"I'm surprised they don't have herpes yet." I whisper to Riker.

"I know right?" He laughs.

We all walk to the park. "So, What did you guys pack?" I ask, as I look through the basket.

"What's this?" I pick a piece of paper up, and it reads; 'Look at Riker.'

I look at Riker, and he's on his knee.

"So, I know we're already engaged. But a girl like you deserves being asked right." Riker states.

I laugh a little. Riker gazes off, and zones out for a couple seconds.

Soon, he's back to normal.

"So, will you marry me?" He asks. "Of course." I smile.

He puts the ring on my finger, and then gets up and hugs me.

He cups my face, and kisses me. After we pull away, he hugs me again.

He whispers, "I remember."

Since I Lost You (Riker Lynch)Where stories live. Discover now