Chapter-47 Tour pt. 2 Girl or Boy

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Emily POV-

"Hey guys, good show." I smile at the band, before kissing my husband.

"You're all sweaty, go take a shower." I command Riker, as I rub my stomach.

"Em, we have a couple days off, and tomorrow you have a doctors appointment, to find out what the gender is of the baby." Mom reminds me.

"Okay, thanks for reminding me."

I look around the room, for a spot to sit. Catie and Rocky are cuddling, while Chloe is playing with Tori on the floor.

Ellington and Rydel were talking on the love seat. Courtney and Ross were on the couch, making out. Gross.

And Ryland was sleeping next to Rourtney.

"I guess I'll go back to the bus.." I whisper to myself, before heading back to the bus, where Riker was giving Mason a bath.

"It's past your bedtime, little boy." Riker speaks to Mason, as he rinses out his hair.

They haven't seen me yet.

Suddenly, Mason spots me and makes a excited face, but I put my finger up to my lips to shush him.

I move closer and closer to Riker, before I yell, "BOO!"

"Shit!" He jumps up from the ground, scared as hell.

"No swearing daddy!" Mason splashes water at Riker, as I laugh.

"That's not funny." Riker whines.

I laugh, "it is."


"Mason, do you wanna come to the doctor to see the baby?" I asked my five year old.

He groans loudly, "no!"

"C'mon wake up sweetie. If you go we can get ice cream..." I trail off, as he jumps up.

"Well what are we still doing here?! Let's go get ice cream!" Mason starts running out the bus.

"Hey," I pull him back in the bus, "you have to get dressed. Then after the appointment we can get ice cream." I explain to him.


"20 bucks it's a girl." Catie whispers to Rocky.

"20 bucks it's a boy." Rocky holds out his hand that wasn't holding a giggly Chloe.

"Deal." They shake hands, before holding hands again, when all of us sit in the hospital chairs.

I hear Rourtney and Rydellington making the same bet, as I look at them.

"You're all making a bet?" I question with a laugh.

"No?" Ross lies, as him and Courtney hold hands.

I open my mouth to say something, but close it when I see the nurse coming.

"Emily Lynch?" The nurse calls, me and Riker stand up and follow her.

I lift my shirt up half way, and the nurse rubs gel on it.

"Is it cold?" Riker asks, holding my hand and kissing it.

"No." I say sarcastically.

He shrugs, as I pay attention to the monitor.

"Good heart beat. The baby looks healthy. Would you like to find out the gender?" The nurse asks, and we nod.

She puts the sensor back on my stomach.

"It's a girl. Congratulations." She smiles, before wiping off the gel and leaving.

"Awe, we're having a little girl." I slightly smile, as Riker and I walk back to the family.

"Catie, Rydel, and Courtney.." I take a dramatic pause. They were hanging off their seats.

"You won the bet." They sigh happily, as their husband's give them the cash.


Everyone wore all pink on stage, and I'm saying all pink.

Pink jeans,
Pink tees,
Pink converse.

(Haha. Do you get it arefivesauce ? Money.)

The band wore pink because it's October, and because the baby is a girl.

"Okay, guys! Could you settle down for a sec?" Ross speaks through the mic.

"Court, come out here pleaseee?" Courtney gets up, and walks on stage to Ross.

"Hey, Court. Can I show you something for a sec?" Rydel speaks. I KNOW WHATS HAPPENING. BUT I WONT TELL YOU JUST YET.

Courtney turns around towards Rydel, as Ross gets on one knee, and pulls out a ring.

The fans gasp at the sight. I could hear one crying....?

"Courtney, turn around." I whisper yell, Ross wanted me tooooooo.

She turns around and gasps.

"Courtney, will you please marry me?" Ross begs.

"Of course, Ross." She had tears in her eyes.


"Congrats, you guys." I hug the happy couple.

"Thanks Em, for helping me pick out the ring." Ross hugs me, before walking away with Courtney.

"New York, LA, Chicago." Catie sings, as she passes me with Chloe giggling, running behind her.

"Stop singing your boyfriend's song." I joke.

She thought Calum Hood was hot at one point. It was pretty funny, cause he didn't know I had known him.

"I have a wonderful husband. Shut up."

"Where is he?" I ask with a smirk.

My smirk fades away at her answer, "Probably talking to Lex."

"Why is he talking to Alexa?!" I snap at the girl, who had just picked up her daughter.

"Shut up. I'm kidding, he's in the shower." Catie hops on the bus with Chloe, and me following her.

I sigh, and sit next to Riker.

"Rub my back." I whine, and turn so my back it facing him.

"Where's Mason?" He asks, rubbing my back.

"Sleeping in the lounge, my mom came in here with him after I put him to bed."

"Well he's on tour with his family, and we don't get some with some shows till like 10:00. I would think he's tired." Riker exclaims, before Rocky comes out of the bathroom, soaking wet.

Butt naked.

"Shit! Rocky gets some clothes on!" I cover my widened eyes.

"Oh, Sorry. Didn't know anyone was in here." He runs back into the bathroom, holding his junk.

I yawn, as I lay my head on Riker's shoulder.

"Let's go to bed, yeah? Riker picks me up, and carries me to our bedroom.

"We have a big day tomorrow. We're going to Colorado, since it's Rydel's birthday in a couple days." Riker explains, as I change into my pjs.

"I know when my best friend's birthday is." I roll my eyes and get in bed.





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