Chapter 43

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"Nice try, sneaking out with your aunt. I told you, you can never pass those guards on the door!" Phil sneakered infront of me. He makes me wanna lift my leg and kickhim in the balls. If only these ropes can easily be ripped.  

"Hey, Vince!" He yelled. "Watch him. Make sure that this ropes won't break." he said pointing at the ropes tied on my wrists and on my feet.  

I already tried cutting it with the use of my strength but it's no use and it hurts like hell. My wrists feels like its already burning!

I just can't handle this anymore! aunt being kidnapped, me being blackmailed by the bad guy, my poor sister on a job and she doesn't even know any detail about her aunt being alive. Well, that's before she called and got herself into alot of trouble. What happened to her anyway? Why did she call? And why did her voice sound so shaky and stuff?

"Phil, just let him go!" Aunt pleaded for the hundredth time. "JUST SHUT THE HELL UP!" Phil yelled, again.  

They keep on doing this over and over and over again! It's like their routine every thirty minutes. "Shut it guys! Can't you please keep it quiet?" I silently hissed. "You shut it or I'm gonna shave this blonde streaks off of your bloody head!" He barked near my ears and it made me jump in surprise.  

OW, it hurts. My eardrums almost explode! 

I rolled my eyes in annoyance and he hit my head with his palm in response. I need to get out of this bloody hell! 

But.... how?


I don't know what to do! How am I gonna rescue my family?

Just when I'm all done with this, I want my mom to be shredded down to peices! How dare she do this to me? To Terence? To her family?

That still needs to set aside. I need to get to Terence.

How am I gonna connect with Phil anyway?

"URGH!!!" I groaned in annoyance! My head starting to ache.

The only connection I have with him is my job! 

my... job. That's it! 

Okay, I'm ready to barge in and accuse him stuff.

But what if they won't belive me?

Okay, I need to search for evidences!!! 

I sprung to my brother's room again and searched and searched and searched. His pillows and books were thrown away and the bed was already upside down. I opened the stupid computer andsearched for any recorded videos or emails or anything.

I searched for the books for any mails or messages or letters.

I went to his closet and searched his pockets.

I opened his every bags and explored every inch of it.

I don't know why but I also searched his shoes... I know, I know, I'm pretty weird. Pretty and weird. Just kidding. I'm just plain weird.

Okay, no time for that!!!

I went to his laptop which is just beside his computer and checked for clues. 

I clicked this unnamed folder located on the very end of the desktop and it revealed many folders.

I opened one and it was a picture of my aunt in an abondoned room. Her wrists tied on a pole. My eyes werewatery once I watched her suffer.

Book I. Screwed Up (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now