8.2 Wizards and Aliens

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The L/N family were all outside enjoying the nice warm weather. Lily was playing on the jungle gym playset Y/N and Scott had constructed. Yelena was leaning back in a lawn chair sunbathing. She was wearing sunglasses and had her eyes closed.  Y/N was sitting next to her reading a book. Lily then pointed towards something.

Lily: Mommy, there's a big orange ring!

Yelena was still sitting back, trying to rest.

Yelena: That's the sun, dear. Don't look directly at it.

Lily: No. That orange ring! The one that's sparkling on the ground!

Y/N put down his book and looked directly in front of him. He then tapped his wife on the shoulder.

Y/N: Uh... honey.

Yelena looked up and slowly took off her glasses when she saw it too. There was an orange ring about the size of a doorway directly in front of them. Through it appeared an old, broken staircase. 

Through the ring stepped out a tall man wearing an elaborate blue and silver robe. He was wearing an equally elaborate blue cloak with silver trimmings and a high neck collar. The man was clean shaved with dark brown hair and light gray highlights on the side. He approached the two of them.

Strange: Y/N L/N. Yelena Belova-L/N. I'm Doctor Stephen Strange. I need you to come with me.

Y/N: I'm sorry, what? 

Strange: We need your help.

Y/N: Look, I don't if you got the memo, but we're retired. We don't want any trouble coming anywhere near our house.

Strange: I heard, but it's not overselling it to say that the fate of the universe is at stake.

Yelena: And who's this "we" you're talking about?

Suddenly, another figure approached them from behind the man. He was a more familiar face to the two heroes, but one they had not seen in a long time.

Happy: Hey, guys.

Y/N: Happy?

They immediately sat up and got out of their chairs upon seeing him. Hogan walked over to Y/N. He was shaking his head.

Y/N: You okay?

Happy didn't respond. He just leaned forward and hugged Y/N tightly.

Happy told them what had happened. Apparently, while traveling in the quinjet with Ross, he had been sucked up by some alien vortex. He found himself on an alien planet performing acts as a gladiator for a showman. It was during these acts as the Freak that he met Thor. The two of them worked together to destroy Thor's sister, Hela, but at the cost of Asgard. Then, on the way home, their ship was attacked by a grand warrior looking for the tesseract. 

The group was now situated in New York City inside the Sanctum Sanctorum. Yelena was holding onto Lily, trying to stop her from touching the different objects placed around the room. Y/N was standing with Happy, Strange, and Wong in the center of the room. Wong was explaining what was inside the tesseract and what the warrior was looking for while using magic to project images of six differently colored gems.

 Wong was explaining what was inside the tesseract and what the warrior was looking for while using magic to project images of six differently colored gems

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