3.3 Jailbreak in the Mother Country

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Natasha, Yelena, and Y/N were now walking through a hidden valley in the forest. In the valley sat an old white helicopter with a red and blue stripe. Rick Mason stepped out of the cockpit, having acquired the vehicle for them.

Natasha: I said we needed a jet.

Rick: Yeah, you know what you didn't give me? Time. Or money. I'm not made of jets.

Natasha had called Rick earlier in talks about acquiring a jet. She and Y/N agreed that taking a quinjet was out of the question. The Red Room would see them coming a mile away and it was not the most discrete vehicle for what they were planning.

Yelena: I thought you were supposed to be the best. Like a real pro.

Rick: Oh, I beg your pardon, tsarina. Was the incredible shrinking man and a lifetime supply of kissel not to your liking?

Yelena: Ha! 

Natasha: Don't let her wind you up.

Rick: No, I take exception to impugning my professionalism.

Y/N: Well, you did forget my luggage at the airport and then gave me a pair of jeans that are about a size too small.

Rick: Oh, the tiny man doesn't like it when things are small, does he?

Yelena: Aw, he's sensitive. See why you keep him around.

The blonde walked up to the front of the helicopter, observing it. She went up to the front cockpit and breathed on the glass, fogging it up.

Natasha: Where's the rest?

Rick turned around and pulled a brown duffel bag out of the copter. He opened it up to reveal the Widows' white snow suits. Yelena saw a granola bar and immediately grabbed it.

Yelena: Ooh.

Y/N: Are there anymore of those? I'm starving.

Y/N reached into the duffel bag and pulled out another granola bar. 

Natasha: Oh, I stashed that, like, five years ago. 

Both Yelena and Y/N bit down into their bars. Y/N was pondering the taste while Yelena dramatically chewed with her mouth open, as if regretting the decision.

Natasha: How is it?

Yelena: It's dry. It's really dry.

Y/N just looked back down at his bar and shrugged his shoulders before taking another bite out of it. He put the rest of the bar in his back pocket as he joined the blonde assassin in hopping into the helicopter. This was going to be an eventful evening.

Now flying high in the sky, the three were making good time on their way to their destination. The two women sat upfront piloting the aircraft while Y/N sat in one of the back seats. He was going through his stuff, making sure all his gear was secure. He accidentally nudged one of the backpacks by his foot and a small item fell out. Y/N noticed it was Belova's bag and went to pick up the item. It was a small white cassette. On the side was written "American Pie."

Y/N: Is this yours?

Yelena: Are you going through my stuff?

Y/N: No, it just fell out. Nice choice by the way. Great song.

Yelena turned her head to look back and talk to him.

Yelena: You listen to it?

Y/N: Loads of times. My dad would always play it on the Fourth of July. He would make a fool out of himself dancing to it and then forcing my mother to dance with him.

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