3.2 A Spy Among Spies

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Y/N was now in the basement of Natasha and Yelena's hideout. He was trying to understand what all they had told him.

Y/N: Hang on. Backtrack for a moment. Tell me again about this mind controlling serum. 

Yelena sighed before looking at him and explaining what she just said ten minutes ago. 

Yelena: It's a toxin that closes off neuropathways and enforces chemical subjugation in a person's prefrontal cortex, effectively altering their brain chemistry and stripping them of free will and reason.

Y/N: Oh, I see. I've experienced something like this before.

The two Widows looked at him with curiosity.

Yelena: You've experienced mind control before?

Y/N: Well, I wouldn't call it mind control, really. More like chemically altering the brain. My suit uses a protective helmet that helps regulate the Pym Particles. Without it, the particles can dangerously alter and damage one's brain into a clouded mush. Hank actually hired me because of that happening to someone.

Yelena: So, you fought a size changing killer?

Y/N: More like a psychotic businessman, but yeah.

Yelena shook her head in disbelief before walking over to the table with Natasha. Y/N decided to join them as he looked down at the table's contents. They looking over the blueprints of the Red Room's S.H.I.E.L.D. facility, trying to come up with a plan. Natasha pointed to a storage room on the map.

Natasha: The vials containing the antidote should be in this room. They're being held there awaiting transport to the New Red Room. The room is constantly monitored by security cameras and deadbolt locks.

Yelena: Not to mention the heavily armored guards and killer assassins ready to crush anyone who so much as looks at the doors.

Y/N: Alright, so a frontal assault is out of the question. Are there any ventilation shafts or air ducts connected to the room?

The blonde assassin put over another sheet outlining the ventilation units and pipes throughout the facility while Romanoff continued speaking. 

Natasha: There are a few vents that lead into that room that measure only about a foot and a half wide to prevent intruders from crawling through them.

Y/N: Not a problem for me. 

Natasha: However, the ones on the exterior of the facility are lined with infrared sensors and motion detectors. So the main issue will be getting inside the building. 

Y/N: What about the front entrance? What kind of high tech analysis are we looking at here?

Yelena: All personnel are required to go through security points. Removal of personal possessions, metallic scanners, the usually stuff. 

Y/N: Okay. I can probably sneak in through someone's wallet or a set of keys.

Yelena: Not so fast. All visitors are also required to be scanned by an infrared thermal scanner. Even if you try to go in all small and mighty, you'll be spotted.

Y/N thought for a moment, looking at the blueprints. An idea popped into his head.

Y/N: What if I were to cling onto somebody?

The two assassins looked at him with raised brows.

Y/N: If I was on someone's body, I'd be too small for the scanner to detect any significant change in body temperature. It would also cover my outline and frame. To anyone else, I may just look to be a sore spot or odd birth defect.

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