8.3 Save the Wizard

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Doctor Strange steadily woke up aboard the bridge of Ebony Maw's ship. He found himself being levitated off the ground. Around him were several sharp pins made of glass. The alien approached the waking sorcerer.

Maw: In all the time I've served Thanos I have never failed him. If I were to reach our rendezvous on Titan with the Time Stone still attached to your vaguely irritating person there would be judgement.

The crystals started to move closer to Strange. Within them, a bubbling white stream began to move. They began to prick Strange's body, starting with his cheek. He could feel the white material entering his body, causing searing pain to wash over him.

 He could feel the white material entering his body, causing searing pain to wash over him

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Maw: Give me the Stone.

Above Maw and Strange, Y/N and Peter looked down on the torture from a platform in the bridge. Y/N continued watching when he felt something tap his shoulder. He quickly turned around and was startled to see Strange's blue cloak floating next to him.

Y/N: Jesus. Just when you think you've seen it all.

Peter: Dang, you are seriously one loyal piece of outwear, aren't you?

Miles: Yeah, uh, speaking of loyalty...

Y/N and Peter turned around to see Miles crawling down from the ceiling on a web. Peter groaned while Miles landed on the floor and stood back up.

Miles: I know what you're gonna say.

Peter: You should not be here.

Miles: I was gonna go down, but I clung onto the side and this suit is ridiculously intuitive and kept me along for the ride.

Peter: You should have gone back home.

Miles: But I can help.

Peter: Can you back me up here?

Peter turned to Y/N for some support. The slightly older man just lifted his hands in defense and backed away.

Y/N: Hey, he's your guy. Not my responsibility.

Pete sighed and turned back to the younger kid.

Peter: Miles, it's not that I don't want your help. But this is too dangerous. I can't have you running in when we don't even know what we're up against. This isn't Brooklyn. This isn't just some guy in a rhino suit or with chemically enhanced powers. This is a one-way trip. 

Miles: I know, but I already thought this through. You told me our job is to be the friendly neighborhood Spider-Men. But you can't do that if there's no neighborhood. If no one's left standing to protect. 

Peter looked at Miles and sighed before looking back at Y/N. The Ant-man shrugged. The kid had a point. Peter sighed again and grinned at his protege before turning back around and pointing down to Strange and maw.

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