3.5 Consulting and Planning

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Y/N slowly opened the door into the backroom and saw Yelena on the floor leaning against the bed. He closed the door behind him as he entered and walked up to her. She lifted her head up from her knees and looked at him.

Yelena: I came in here to be alone.

Y/N: I know. I just came to talk and listen.

Yelena: What is there to hear? My entire family is a jumbled up mess of lies and deceit. My mother died a tyrannical ruler in charge of the very organization that indoctrinated me and my father is too obsessed with his days as the Crimson Dynamo to care about me. You know, I never knew my biological parents? And now, the closest family I ever had to one, was a performance with me as the unwanted little sister. I'm just the chore that nobody wanted. Like garbage thrown out on the street. My life has been a shitshow of loss and nothing but loss. I don't expect you to understand.

Y/N: You'd be surprised. 

She looked at him, puzzled by what he just said. Y/N breathed in deeply and sighed before deciding to elaborate.

Y/N: When I was seven, both of my parents died in a car crash. I was devastated. I never really fit in anywhere and the only people that truly understood me were now gone. Without anywhere else to go, my uncle and aunt took me in. They treated me like their own and the three of us soon became our own little family unit. They looked out for me and helped me learn who I really am. I was happy. 

His eyes started to swell up with emotion as he thought of the memory.

Y/N: Then, just when things were finally starting to look up, a few years later, I lost my aunt in childbirth. That was both the saddest and happiest day of my life. I lost the only other mother figure I had. Just when I was at the highest point I'd been in a while, I was pushed back down to a new low. But, I also gained a new cousin. And she is more of a sister to me than anything. She's the one I know I have to look out for and protect from this cruel world.

Yelena looked back up at the man's face and was taken aback. She had never heard that about him. About his loss and what he went through at such a young age.

Y/N: You're right. I don't really know what you're going through. I was never taken from my birth parents or trained to be a killer away from society. But I know what its like to have your entire family taken away from you in an instant. What it's like to lose those you look up to. And to have things finally start looking up before life kicks you back down again. 

Yelena: At least you had family to fall back on. 

Y/N: That is true. But that's only because I let them. I could have very easily pushed them away and sulked in my own self-pity. But I let them in and formed something new. And in doing so, I found my place, my purpose. I never forgot my old family. I just made something new out of it. 

He crouched down to her level as he talked.

Y/N: Yelena, I know things look dark. But trust me, your family cares about you. For as much as Nat says you weren't family, I know that isn't true. 

Yelena: How do you know?

Y/N: Because I've seen the way she looks at you. That's a look only an older sibling gives to their younger sister. A look that means there is love deep down and they are just trying to protect them from the world. A look that says she will be there for you when life gets you down.

He paused for a moment and caught her staring directly at him. Her eyes were bloodshot from crying but also seemed to be reflecting everything around her. 

Y/N: You may not have a traditional family, but you have a found family. And that is something special. It means you can still hold onto the past while finding love in all new places. You just need to talk to each other. And Yelena, you are not an unwanted chore. You are special. Looking back out there, I can see it. You are the one who keeps this found family together. The one component everyone can agree on and love. You are not nothing. You are someone. Someone spectacular. You just need to realize that.

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