Chapter 63♡

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(Alex's P.O.V)
Being out with my sons and my mom was lovely. Once they went upstairs, I kissed Mom's cheek. "Thanks." She said it was okay. "I'll help you look for a new apartment if you like?" I said that sounded good. "I'm going to make some tea. Would you like a cup?" I said yes. Heading upstairs myself, I heard my phone. It was Will.

Hey. I'm just checking in with you. What are you up to?

Sitting on the stair, I texted him back.

I have just got home from having dinner with my mom and my boys. Thanks for checking in with me. I'm going to have a bath and just get ready for another day of work.😁

Putting my phone on my bedside table, I heard the boys. "You'll get the chance to know her a bit better." Zack giggled. "I'm trying to get better. But, I think she's cool. Anyway, we have school again next week. We have a careers day remember?" My boys were growing up too. I wondered what the both of them wanted to do as jobs. It's like I had to stop parenting them.. that's when I thought more about the little girl I lost. The boys would of loved their little sister. Going into my bedroom, I took out my night clothes. I was going to make the time to look at some apartments as well. It was time for me to move out. I haven't lived on my own since things ended with Chris. And that was months ago.

But I was going to be okay. Running a bath, I thought about my bridesmaid dress. It was beautiful. I was so happy for Liv and Elliot. They are such a lovely couple. Undressing, I stepped into the bath. I had another therapy session in a couple of weeks time. We were going to be talking more about Will and my trauma. It really helped talking to Mel. It was freeing. Lathering up my sponge, I smelt the fragrance that was in the water. It was so calming.

The girls could so tell that I was starting to like Will. His energy just felt right. We were talking a lot more. He was very understanding. He cared a lot. I think my sons could tell that I was starting to branch out into getting to know someone again. I didn't want to really let my sons know until I was sure that Will was right for me. Washing myself off, I got up, stepped out of the bath and dried myself off. I then heard Zack and Tyler talking. "Tomorrow should be cool. It'll be nice to hang out with Beth and her mates." I then heard Tyler. "It's nice to hear you talk about Beth. It's refreshing.' Tyler was right. I hope that he was doing okay as well. Once I was dressed, I went to get him. 'Yeah Mom?' Zack was on his phone.

'Could I talk to you?' We sat on the stairs. He nodded. 'I just wanted to see how you are doing.' He then started to talk. 'I'm okay..' I hugged him. 'I don't know how I feel Mom.' Taking his hand, I told him to just close his eyes. 'I would like you to just breathe baby.' I could tell that he was tense. 'I.. can't get over the fact that Dad abandoned us. I thought that dads were supposed to stay around. Mom.. it's like I don't even know who he is anymore.' I held my other son. 'Are you still struggling with opening up?' He cried.. 'Aw baby.. i'm here. It's okay.' He just sniffled. 'I have been waiting to do that for a while now.' I said that I was proud of him. 'Thanks Mom.' He said that he had been struggling. 'I can't seem to eat.. I'm just not fussed.' I held him. 'I wanna feel normal again. Like Zack.' I reassured him. 'Remember the note that you wrote?' He nodded. 'How did you feel when your words were on paper sweetheart?' He said that it felt good. 'It felt okay. I had an idea actually.' He told me. 'How about we write notes to one another?'

He smiled. 'I like that idea.' He then said that he was going to head off to bed. "I love you Mom." I said that I loved him too.

Getting into bed, I heard my phone. Smiling, I read the text. Will was just so sweet. I was nervous at the possibility of going on a date with him.. but the main thing was that he was being kind. Putting on some cream, I checked my arms. My bruise had completely healed. It still haunted me though. That part of me was always on high alert.. Mom had checked the doors and windows countless times. But I knew that I was safe. Heading to my mom's bedroom, I handed her the mug. 'Thanks Alex.' Sitting on her bed, she looked at me. 'Have you spoken to your sister?' I said no. 'She texted me a while ago.. but I haven't heard from her.' The thing is with my sister is.. she has suffered a lot with her mental health so her moods are up and down. 'I'm sure she will contact me.' Kissing Mom's cheek, she said goodnight.

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