Chapter 26♡

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(Faye's P.O.V)

Sitting up, I video called Adam. 'Hey baby.' I smiled. 'Hey.' Looking at him, I just realized how lucky I was. I had my therapy appointment with him tomorrow and we were talking about how I could manage my feelings. 'You can always journal how you feel babe. That could help.' I agreed. 'It could be great.' Asking him how his day went, he told me more about work. "It's pretty easy to be honest. I just get on with it." He then asked me how I was doing. "I'm okay." He then looked at me.. "Babe, are you sure?" I disliked that he knew me so well.

'I'm finding it hard to just deal with the thought of him. That's all." I then admitted that I was still having nightmares. 'I'm surprised that I haven't woken up Jessie or Billie.' Adam said that I was going to get better. 'You just have to keep talking.' He then said that he loved me. 'I love you too.' Talking about our first date, we suggested some ideas between us. 'Going to the movies sounds fun.' He said it did. 'We could go out to dinner as well.' I said that sounded so romantic. 'I miss you.' He blushed. 'I miss you too.' Asking how his mom was, he said that she was okay. 'She'd like to see you again.' I said that would be nice. 'Have you thought any more about going back into hairdressing?' I said no. 'I think that you should. You and Evie could both do something as she does beauty.' I gasped. 'You've just given me the best idea baby!' He blew me a kiss. 'Well, that's good.' I then told him that I would see him tomorrow. 'I'll meet you. I love you baby.' Ending the call, I called Evie. "Hey bestie!' She squealed. "Hey girl. How are you?"

"I'm really good thankyou. How are things with you?" I could see my best friend blushing... "Things are interesting." I raised my eyes. "Well, Brett wants to take me out!" My best friend so deserved this! "Okay, so how do you feel?" I could see her smiling..

"I feel nervous. I do want to see him again." I squealed. "Why don't you come over and we'll look at some options?' She said that would be great. "See you soon."

(Phoebe's P.O.V)

I was definitely frustrated now. Finn was being extra lovely though. Placing his hands on my waist, he kissed my cheek. "Why won't she come out of me?" Finn giggled. "She's just too comfortable." He then suggested trying spicy food. "I'll get some peppers." I looked at him. "You're too cute." I suggested some alone time.. "You do owe me.." I asked him what for.. "For that massage that I gave to you." I remembered...

"Ahh okay." Kissing him, I felt another wave of pain. "Ahh baby. You're so ready to make your entrance now." Finn rubbed my stomach. 'She sure is.' Sitting at the kitchen table, I went through my list. 'Right, that should be fine.' As I continued to take some deep breaths, I heard my phone. It was Mom. 'Hey.' She asked me if I was okay. 'I'm alright. Your granddaughter is so active today. By the way, the hospital appointment went well. Everything looks perfectly fine.' Mom hugged me. 'That's great news. I'm excited to spoil her.' I giggled. 'I can tell."

"I'm experiencing some really weird pains that come and go though." Mom said that was Braxton Hicks."Drink lots of water and take deep breaths.' Standing with my hands on the countertop, I just breathed in and out. 'There we go sweetie.' Mom then said that she would be over in a bit. 'See you soon.' Ending the call, Finn came back into the kitchen. 'You okay?' I yawned. 'No.. i'm tired. It's only what.. 10am.' Finn kissed me. 'Go and have a bath and I will make you something to eat.' Thanking him, I headed upstairs. Passing our little angel's bedroom, I went in to have a look.. It was so cute and adorable. Looking at the little teddy in the cot, I picked it up. I couldn't wait to hold her. All of the girls were excited to become aunties. Being a mom was going to change my life. Finn was going to be the best dad. Looking around the room, I heard my phone buzz. It was my boss. Finn also had some leave as well

Hi Pheobe,

I just wanted to say that you're welcome back anytime. I hope you enjoy your maternity leave. See you soon.

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