Chapter 7♡

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(Ariel's P.O.V)

"This is so tasty Dad!" I looked up at him and smiled. "I'm glad that you like it." He asked me how things were going. "They're okay. Art club is awesome. I made a new friend. Her name is Amber.' Dad said that he was happy about that. "I'm pleased." I then told him that my sessions with Anna were great. "It helps a lot before I head into class." Mom smiled at me. "So, for the wedding, we are thinking of having it at a local garden. We loved the fact that it looked beautiful.' She showed us a picture. 'Mom. This looks amazing.' Caleb said. Me and Paige agreed. 'I love it. It's stunning.' As we continued to eat dinner, Caleb asked about the best men and suits. 'Well for the best men, I have you, Finn, Carisi, Charlie, Adam and I think that's it.' Caleb nodded. 'That sounds cool.' I said that I was full. 'It tasted so good. Thanks.' Putting my plate and glass in the dishwasher, I saw Paige texting on her phone.. she sneaked it in at dinner time?! 'Sis?' She turned to look at me. 'Yep?' I raised my eyebrows at her. 'Do I have to be overprotective?' I smiled. 'No.' Paige blushed a little bit. 'I'm heading upstairs to have a shower, read and write in my journal. See you guys in a bit.' Mom kissed my cheek. Dad hugged me. Heading upstairs, I heard my phone go. It was Jason. 

Hey beautiful. I just wanted to say goodnight. I'm arranging to go suit shopping with Jared for the formal dance this weekend. Have you managed to arrange a date for it yet?x 

Texting him back, I heard Mom talking to Caleb. 'Would you like to tell me why you're wearing hoodies all the time sweetheart?' I then heard a loud huff.. 'Not really Mom. I just like to wear them. Is that a problem?' He then stormed upstairs. 'I don't wanna talk about it.' I heard his bedroom door slam.. texting Jason back, I got my pyjamas out. 

Hey handsome. Aw, you're sweet. How is your mom doing? And how is Blake?x

Turning on the shower, I jumped in. Letting the water run over me, I thought more about the formal dance. I was thinking about suggesting a nice moonlight theme. I could visualise the colours in a room at school. It would look amazing. After washing my face, I turned the shower off. Wrapping a towel around my hair. Heading into my bedroom, I dried it. I heard Mom. "He just seemed weird babe.' Dad then said some sort of space. "He's 13. He's just wanting to have privacy."

Mom was right. Our brother was entitled to something. Once I was dressed, I read Jason's reply.

I know. I'm excited for us to attend our first school event together. Blake and my mom are really good thanks. Mom is all organised for our new sibling now. Xx

Picking up my pen with my journal, I opened it.

Friday 22nd July

Today was really good. I've not had any urges. I just can't seem to sleep at night. Maybe it's me being paranoid... I dunno. Dinner was nice tonight with Mom, Dad and my siblings. I made a new friend at art club which is really good. Speaking to Jason this evening made me feel better.

Closing it, I covered myself up with the duvet. I cried a little bit. "Ariel? Are you okay sweetheart?" The sound of Dad's voice made me anxious. "Not really, but I'll be fine. Thanks." He asked if I wanted to talk. "I'm good." He then said that he would be down the hall if I needed him. "I know. I love you. Night." I laid awake. All my thoughts felt odd. Weird..

"Mom. Just leave it. Please." Mom had sat with me in my bedroom. I had come home late the other night and she wanted to know where I had been.

"I was out. Just having fun." Mom asked me who I with. "With some mates. No big deal." She asked me if I needed to see Claire. "I'm over this conversation. Leave." Opening my bedroom door, she refused to leave. "I will scream if you don't leave." She silently left. Getting back into bed, I just cried. No one understood what I was going through..

Not being able to sleep, I sat up. Just continued to think.. I took my pillow and I cried a little bit. I felt anxious.

(Alex's P.O.V)

After sorting myself out, I chilled out with Mom. "So, I dropped a letter off at the house." Mom asked me if I went inside. "No. I just posted it. I couldn't bear seeing his face again." Mom said that I did the right thing.

"You deserve real happiness sweetheart. I want that for you and the boys." I agreed. "Focusing on myself for now is the best thing. I'm going to keep going to therapy. The boys are older now so they can decide wether they want to see him or not. But, the arrangement is off. Mom.. he hurts me too much. I need to heal properly." She took my hand. "I will be there with you every step of the way Alex."

I squeezed her hand. "Thanks. I love you Mom."

(Option 1 for Liv and Elliot's wedding venue

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(Option 1 for Liv and Elliot's wedding venue... more will be coming soon!x)

(This is Ariel's idea for the formal dance

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(This is Ariel's idea for the formal dance. It's the style that I envisioned in my head.)

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